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[support] 3rd tutorial "Intermediate construction" missing "Hopper" vehicle

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KSP version: Version on macOS 11.4 via Steam. Clean install, just bought it today.

What I was trying to do: Complete the 3rd tutorial, "Intermediate Construction".

Mods / Add-Ons: All Stock

Steps to replicate:

1) Open "Tutorials"

2) Open 3rd tutorial, "Intermediate Construction"

3) Enter the VAB

4) Click through "Next" until the tutorial tells you to click "Open"

5) Click the "Open" icon in the upper right

What I expect to happen: The tutorial wants you to load the "Hopper" vehicle. I expect to see 1 vehicle in the screen, the "Hopper".

What actually happened: I see 23 much more complicated vehicles and no "Hopper". I even tried searching for "Hopper" and came up empty.

Attempted fixes:

- Disabling Steam Cloud, uninstalling from Steam, manually deleting whatever was left in ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program, reinstalling from Steam. "Hopper" still missing.

- Verifying game files via Steam. No problems detected. "Hopper" still missing.

Screenshots: Imgur

Player.log: Pastebin

System specifications: Dropbox

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Yep, as far as I can see the craft file for the hopper is where it should be but the new craft loader, introduced in the 1.12 update cannot see that location.

You can work around by ignoring the step of opening the craft and just manually placing a pod with a parachute on top

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Same same, with some trials of "options"...

I tried multiple other low part count stock ships, but only one got me past the first Place Engine step. I was able to use The Jumping Flea, instead of the Hopper, took everything off from below top coupler down, and this got me to the place engine test - no engines. I then deleted said coupler, and the tutorial moved on to next step as if I had placed an engine (??). Anyways, I rolled with it ignoring the first engine req. and carried on until asked to place the swivel engine below the 5 FLT100 tanks. No engines. Then I gave up and wrote this.

This info was provided in case any devs are watching. Thought it may help point to what's broken.

I have been playing KSP "casually" on Xbox for a few months, but decided yesterday to buy for my pc, assuming the building controls and general menu navigation would be better (it is, considerably, plus it looks twice as good and loads EVERYTHING 10x faster to boot). I only ran the tutorials to get a quick brief on how I'd be controlling what, to save reading through the controls list for now. (mainly I couldn't, and still haven't figured how to Rotate or Move parts in the editor, I can rotate them before placing with qweasd, but once placed, cant figure how to activate the Rotate or Move commands, I've clicked the icons, then clicked the part, but then, I dunno, doesn't seem to take (TBH I've only spent an hour or so in the game so far).... It's off to see Manuel for me! (after I file my bug report)


UPDATE: see "Bugs in tutorial"  thread in forum support. This "fix" worked for me.


again, Peace.


Edited by LeapyMachine
found further info could help others here
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So, I had posted quite a long response, and then went further into support and found a fix !

I returned to this thread to edit my previous post, and while I was doing that, I got a "post approved" notice (I'm new today, and that was my first post here :P). I finished my edit, clicked save, and checked out the notice. I then came back to look at my post and.... it's gone ?!  I assume its because I was in the process of editing as post was approved, dunno.

....aaaaanyways.   See 

Worked for me.

Peace yall

Edited by LeapyMachine
redundant, my original post showed back up (?). Please delete me.
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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Any fix yet? Also just bought the game, feel like I can't really progress without being able to complete the second ship building tutorial lol, kinda major oversight no? Suggested fix from earlier in this thread didn't work for me - the needed parts are not showing up in the advanced editor.

EDIT: for anyone still running into the issue, what worked for me was loading a different ship with the RT-5 Engine (Jumping Flea) and then taking off parts until the tutorial was happy.


Edited by kich
found workaround
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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 9/1/2021 at 7:18 PM, LeapyMachine said:

So, I had posted quite a long response, and then went further into support and found a fix !

I returned to this thread to edit my previous post, and while I was doing that, I got a "post approved" notice (I'm new today, and that was my first post here :P). I finished my edit, clicked save, and checked out the notice. I then came back to look at my post and.... it's gone ?!  I assume its because I was in the process of editing as post was approved, dunno.

....aaaaanyways.   See 

Worked for me.

Peace yall


Once you click on the other thread here follow the instructions given. Specifically press the arrow in the upper left, find and flick on filter by manufacturer,  then find Jebediah Kerbin's junkyard and spacecraft parts co. The swivel engine will be in there.

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  • 1 month later...

I have the "missing Hopper" problem too. Also, it's doubly annoying, 'cause I have the instruction text in Italian language! The tutorial is asking me for a "Hopper", but in the [Open ] ship list I can find only the "Pulce Salterina"... ie. the translated vehicle... However, that vehicle still doesn't work, 'cause it has too many pieces. If I remove them, keeping only the bare minimum, I can proceed with the tutorial... BUT... after the 5x fuel, it asks me for an Engine (Girello), but I have no engines in the part list. :angry: I'm very sad. Not a solid tutorial.

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Hi everyone,

You can find the engine by:

  • Opening the "Enable Advanced Mode" in the top left corner.
  • In the "Filter By Module" category (the purple puzzle piece) you'le find a sub category called "Engine".
  • There it is!

Have a nice flight!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've seen this problem reported many times with a Google search or in the bug tracker.

I saw the necessary file in this folder:

Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Tutorials\Hopper.craft


I copied it in this folder:

Kerbal Space Program\Ships\VAB


And then I could finally see the "Hopper" in the training mission.

EDIT: it's on version for Windows, on GOG


It's not accepted though, the "Next" remains disabled.


Edited by redglyph
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