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Kerbal Crew MIA can have Significant Consequences + Kerbal News Reporting on Player Actions

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The Kerbal news agencies report on all colony channels that Scott Kerman's vessel suffered critical failures, jeopardizing his mission. Some fear starts spreading through Kerbal society (along with causing a big distraction), reducing  colony productivity somewhat (i.e. resource production, construction, science research).

Later it is confirmed that Scott Kerman has gone MIA. For the Kerbals that know what this means, they become fearful of spaceflight, reducing population growth of the colonies, especially the one that Scott launched from as well as nearby colonies. Like an opposite "boom event" caused by player actions.

This would be a difficulty setting to introduce consequences that require more safety features and margins for each mission. This would make the game more challenge and allow the developers more opportunities to make unique mission types and locations.

Adding news reports would increase the player feeling of their actions being consequential to their Kerbal interstellar civilization, as well as allow for more humorous Kerbal reactions in the game.

TLDR; Killing Kerbals is reported on Kerbal news, triggering an event making kerbals less likely to want to travel to new places in space for a while, reducing pop growth.

Edited by Spartan Hoplite
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I believe MIA/KIA for Kerbals in KSP 1 reduced reputation. In the new game having some kind of "moral"/"reputation" feature to prevent you from just blowing Kerbals up seems sensible. 



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After chewing on this for awhile, it could be playful way to tell you when game changing events occur. (More scope beyond the MIA/KIA events you described.) Boom events, discoveries, whatever else can be displayed as news headlines. Routine stuff could be small middle/back page filler style.

It could be a cool way to keep track of your accomplishments in your game.

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