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How do I get RSS and RO on KSP - 1.12.2 ?

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Hi People,

I have lately been bored in KSP and thought about getting RSS or RO for KSP. I found a bunch of tutorials on YouTube but they are mostly outdated. And yes, I have CKAN and I know how to use it.

So, how can I get RO and RSS (with CKAN) for KSP version 1.12.2?

Thanks in advance  ,

Yashie Guy

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Short answer, you don’t.

Longer answer: Realism Overhaul and all the related mods aren’t updated past KSP 1.10, using them in a later version can cause unexpected problems (I know, I’ve been running RO and RP-1 in KSP 1.11 for a while now and it’s not something I’d recommend). You can easily downgrade your KSP version to 1.10.1 and use that for all your Realism needs, the additional game features from 1.11 and 1.12 aren’t that useful in RO/RP-1 and in many cases are a hindrance rather than a help- variable RCS thrusters and separate EVA jetpacks are just two of the problems I’ve had to deal with while running in 1.11(.1).

If you’re new to KSP, I suggest trying a slightly upscaled solar system first before going up to RSS- some are made to be bigger (e.g. JNSQ which is 2.7x stock size) and many others can be rescaled using Sigma Dimensions and Rescale; there’s also quarter and half scale RSS, though they seem to be quite old and haven’t been updated in a while. Jumping straight from stock scale to RSS is a massive adjustment, but getting used to an intermediate scale system eases the transition a lot. Most stock parts and stock-balanced mods are balanced for a ~2.5x scaled system (I’ve heard it said that the original plan was to have the 3-Kerbal pod being 1 metre in diameter, but technical difficulties doing that meant they had to make it 2.5x larger and that might be why) so this scale is generally seen as the best one for stock parts.

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