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can't locate "Twin-Boar" Mission Flag

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Excuse me, I'm not sure if the question is clear enough.
I mean this: LFB KR-1x2 "Twin-Boar" Liquid Fuel Engine
Right click on it, there's a button called "toggle flag", but it does not show anything.

Part image

Furthermore it is mentioned in an old thread:
Edited by antipro
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24 minutes ago, OHara said:

there is a note in the changelog for 1.11.0: * The LFB KR-1x2 Twin-Boar Liquid Fuel Engine now has the correct diameter.

which probably broke the flag.  So to restore the flag find the original twin-boar under Manufacturers : Kerbodyne

ah, ok. you're right, now I see the flag.
anyway, understood the above, I'll continue to use the corrected diameter new part.
Thanks a lot.


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