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Rough landing on Laythe


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You'd say when you hit the SOI of Laythe, landing would be a piece of cake. Go into orbit, carefully pick your landing zone and descent. But Laythe was about to give me a nasty surprise.


Laythe orbits Jool with high velocity and I basically traveled in the opposite direction. With a speed of around 7560 m/s, I had absolutely no chance to perform a nice and stable orbit around the moon and was just 15 minutes away from being shot out of the moon's SOI. Violent atmospheric breaking was the solution and I adjusted periapsis to around 9 km.


Speed increased to 7750 m/s ...


To make a long story short; the brave kerbonaut survived the extremely rough descent but now floats in a massive ocean with land at least 60 km away, and not even a stunning view on Jool ... ! To make matters worse, the gravity is too strong for the jetpack to function. Looks like he's gonna swim for a while.

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I've done this maneuver before at such speed, and perhaps had more incentive to reload after an insertion that took me directly to the ground because I was piloting orbiters. If you had dipped into the atmosphere at 16-26km, you probably would have been able to make it into a stable orbit prior to descent. Laythe's atmosphere is a lot tougher than one may think on first approach.

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I was performing my first trip to Jool, and was about to land on Laythe. When I got to Jool I aerobreaked in it's atmo to lower my Ap to 21,000 km (so it touches Gilly), and several orbits later, when I was about to join Laythe's SOI, I also aerobreaked to change my AP to around 100 km. Then I raised my Pe to over 50 km(height of Laythe's atmo), and picked landing spot. I landed around 30 KM away from water, but I had mun rover on my ship, so I deployed it and went there:)

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/Iqq2I/embed"></iframe>

Edited by Luxmaster-CZ
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