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Stock KSP 1.12.2 reproducibly crashes when trying to plan maneuver

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Dear KSP team / community,

Information for my support request

  • KSP version
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  • Detailed explanation of what happened:

    My save file has only one craft heading to Jool (i cleaned it up for the report). The craft has a maneuver already planned and I want to plan a second maneuver to capture at Jool in a retrograde orbit.
    Steps to reproduce the issue:

    1. Go to the craft (it has an alarm set which is the fastest way to switch to it)

    2. Go to the orbital map

    3. Focus on Jool and set Bop as target

    4. Add a new maneuver at the DN node for Bop

    5. Try to pull the retrograde button / marker on the orbit line to circularize

    6. Focus starts jumping between Jool / Sun and maybe other bodies

    7. Game freeze & crash

  • A screenshot of your craft or any relevant screens:
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    I can also provide a video if needed / desired. Please let me know if that is helpful.

  • persistent.sfs, player.log, KSP.log, KSP_short.log and buildID64:
  • A detailed list of system specifications
    System Information - Pastebin.com

    TLDR version:
    • Win 10 Pro, latest update
    • i7 4790K
    • 32GB Ram and ~ 15 GB available for KSP (unused) but the behavior could also be observed after rebooting the system without any other programs running
    • RTX 2070, also latest driver
    • Game is stored on NVMe SSD
  • Are you running a clean installation, or have you updated and some of your persistence or craft files might be older versions, if so which version(s)
    I am running a clean install and have verified my KSP files through steam (OK)
    The persistent file worked fine in KSP 1.11 (I am upgrading my install from 1.11 to 1.12 currently)


The behavior observed does not apply to all crafts and I was able to plan the first maneuver that is in the savefile on 1.12 without a game crash.
The crash when planning the second maneuver is however 100% reproducible for me. It sometimes crashes already after setting Bop as target.

I do not know whether this is an issue with my system so if anyone can not reproduce the bug on their system that feedback would be welcome.

If there is anything missing or you need any additional information please let me know and I will happily provide that or run any tests that you'd like me to try!

Edited by Fulgora
Added TLDR system spec
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Very similar symptoms, messages "failed to find any intercepts at all" in the log followed by a stack overflow, have been reported occasionally for many years now.





The last two might give you hints on how to avoid it.


The KSP developers posted about intercept finding in 2015.  KSP treats intercept finding as a graphics problem, using Binary Space Partition to  find the closest approach.  Sometimes, it seems to make finer and finer partitions without end.  I hope KSP2 treats this as a mathematics problem.

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