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The Krakepire? (wait that sounds weird)

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Kerbals from all over Kerbin, long has our race speculated as to what the Kraken, that terrible beast that destroys our ships and make them explode randomly is.

Until now.

We here at Newgame Space program (the kings of having no clue  how to use Tylo encounters to get into orbit of Jool) Have looked at the krakens capabilities, lore, and the dead kraken easter egg and have concluded that the Krakens are not children of the Kerbol system as we previously thought, but a dead interstellar civilization that's leftover technology (that's positively LITTERED over the kerbol system) has messed with us for years and ended the careers of many brave Kerbals who we now honor with buying snacks in their honor every holiday we can find or make up. Trust us this is not an excuse to eat more snacks then normal. We personally believe that the cryptic snippets of knowledge we get relating to alien life from the Ksp2 team is referencing to this (we know they are a dead civilization because of that dead Kraken on Bop) (Faster then light glitches are simply ancient kraken technology that they used to go faster then light accidentally interacting with ships)





Edited by Newgame space program
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