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I know the devs possiblly wont add more planets to the stock system but I think this idea is worth sharing. 
What if dres was once a moon?
Imagine there was a planet in the same orbit of Dres and with Dres orbiting it. Homever one day a proto planet or moon collided with it leaving an enormous and deep crater in it and kicking dres (with its gravity pull) out of its SOI so that it ends up in the same orbit of the sun . This would create a lot of asteroids (like the ones orbiting dres) but also 2 small moons of this planet that was once the home of Dres. One would be formed of the original planet and the other from the proto planet that collided with it.
What do you think of this? 
I got the idea from the snarkiverse mod wich moves Dres to the same orbit that kerbin has.


Forgive my spelling Im not a native english talker

BTW have a great day/night

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