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Narvi Deployable Fighter ship


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Here is my little pet I have been working on for a bit.

I call it the Narvi, and it can be used in any atmospheric enviroment(not tested on Moho)

I will post the craft later, but it is all stock.

Craft: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BwMUtr7Vb5WNTGZTWDJ5Z3VBZHM



Edited by Exclipse
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I've been trying to make a stock plane that I can fly around on another planet for a while, and still get it back to Kerbin. I achieved my primary objective of flying around and landing on Laythe for a bit before returning home, but I suck at designing planes. The best plane I can come up with is one that launches vertically and doesn't have any wings, i.e. a rocket lol. Do you think you can apply your aircraft design skills to making a plane that has 4 high altitude jet engines, and wings that can break away, leaving just a core module of 2 aerospike angines and a nuclear thrust engine? With, say, 2000 fuel remaining at that point..

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Androsynth, one thing you could think about doing is make a plane with folding wings, I've seen it done with damned robotics, then pack your plane into a rockets payload, fire it to another planet and fly into Atmo.

Edit: how in the *bleep* do you get this thing into orbit?, ive tried every one of my lift vehicles and none of them work, always ends up nosing forward because of the lift, would really like to know your method

Edited by pwnedbyscope
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Androsynth, one thing you could think about doing is make a plane with folding wings, I've seen it done with damned robotics, then pack your plane into a rockets payload, fire it to another planet and fly into Atmo.

Edit: how in the *bleep* do you get this thing into orbit?, ive tried every one of my lift vehicles and none of them work, always ends up nosing forward because of the lift, would really like to know your method

Don't go to fast :) Wait untill you are above 8000M before you start accelerating over 80m/s.

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wait what happens then?

If you go to fast in the thick atmosphere the wings will produce a lot of lift which will mess up the ship's ability to stay straight up.

Also I am assuming you noticed. But the Narvi is not ASAS equiped, so hopefully you put one on your launcher.

Things I do with my launchers for launching winged vehicles. Add RCS fuel on launcher stage, add RCS thrusters. Depending on the size of the winged vehicle I sometimes add ejectable engines in a unbalanced manner to offset the lift generated by the wings.

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