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Looking for an OPM like, high quality Planet Nine analog Mod

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This is getting pretty damn far into the niche realm. When you get to this point, it's often just easier/quicker to make what you need yourself. You could easily just swap assets out of this or that planet pack and use that. It wouldn't be kosher to redistribute whatever you cook up if you do this, but it's a-ok for personal use.

EDIT: Considering your signature... I don't think this would all be a problem for you, actually.

Edited by Axelord FTW
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44 minutes ago, Axelord FTW said:

This is getting pretty damn far into the niche realm. When you get to this point, it's often just easier/quicker to make what you need yourself. You could easily just swap assets out of this or that planet pack and use that. It wouldn't be kosher to redistribute whatever you cook up if you do this, but it's a-ok for personal use.

EDIT: Considering your signature... I don't think this would all be a problem for you, actually.

Bahah I guess, I've been messing around a little but I haven't touched mods in months. Might just try and do an asset flip for myself to mess around with then. Idk, I would've just liked to be lazy.

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Dwarf Planets Plus has a sort-of Planet Nine gas giant in it, though it seems to be long abandoned and says it’s only updated to 1.3.1 (which is odd, as I distinctly remember using it in 1.7.3…) and it works with OPM. JNSQ also features a Planet Nine, though you probably don’t want to install JNSQ just for that considering how much it changes, well, everything in the stock system (not least the 2.7x rescale).

You could always create your own Planet Nine, either by editing the config for a suitable planet from a planet pack to move its orbit or making your own.

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