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Will the The Duna Signal be a thing in ksp 2?

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I really hope they do expand on it, and I have a feeling that the images encoded into the ends of the videos are indicating that the game will have more lore. I’d love if you had to chase signals around the galaxy to arrive at some hidden rogue planet somewhere with dead adult krakens. 

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6 minutes ago, t_v said:

I really hope they do expand on it, and I have a feeling that the images encoded into the ends of the videos are indicating that the game will have more lore. I’d love if you had to chase signals around the galaxy to arrive at some hidden rogue planet somewhere with dead adult krakens. 

I agree homeboy!

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I remember Nate saying something about the KSP Easter eggs won't be in KSP2, but new ones will be added. I don't know if he is talking about the monoliths and other strangeness or everything including the landmarks. 

To better answer your question, I doubt it will be in KSP2. It's an Easter egg, so no one outside of Intercept will know until someone finds it.

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Yeah I think the whole 2001: Space Odyssey thing is cute, but Id much rather a more fully engrained and more scientific-ish relationship to anomalies centered around a search for life, with fossils and lichens and stromatolites and eventually small creatures and exotic plants outside the Kerbol system. My feeling is to keep it special it should be pretty sparse though. The Kraken is a classic bit of game lore and I think could be part of that near the end. 

Edited by Pthigrivi
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