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more types of missions in ksp2

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in ksp 1 there is very little variation when it comes to missions. go somewhere, do science, go back. this makes ksp 1 gameplay very repetetive. in ksp 2 i would like to have more types of missions. one way to do this is to make a very important part really big and expensive. that way you cant go to orbit of somewhere drop a sattelite and then land with a rover and a kerbal. instead you would have to first launch a sattelite with a scanner and maybe an antenna to see where you can land. then you would probbably need to launch an unmanned rover that does science. and at last you can land kerbals and build a colony. 

this would also make it possible to make repair missions. what if for example a telescope broke and you need to go up to it and fix it because its not financially viable to just lauch a new one. 

and of course we kneed more purpouse to space stations in ksp 2. in ksp you can launch a space station in one launch and it will have everything it needs. if we instead have bigger and more expensive parts in ksp 2 it would be more realistic because you would actually need to launch multiple peaces and expand the existing space station.

and we could add a bunch of these super expensive parts: telescopes, computer driven rovers with many science experiments, space station parts, sattelites with scanners, rovers with scanners and even cameras, base parts and colony pparts.


so basically make the cargo/payload of a rocket much more expensive than the actual rocket

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