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Meaningful asteroid redirect missions

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Asteroids hitting Kerbin!  Asteroids hitting your precious Minmus base!  Earthquakes! Permanent planetary deformation!  Tidal Waves!  Supply line disruptions!  Difficulty level max: Kerbin potentially made uninhabitable and the entire Kerbal population on Kerbin wiped out.  Unless you successfully redirect that asteroid, of course.

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Definitely turned completely off by default. Many people don't know how to perform an interplanetary transfer, and hitting relatively tiny asteroids will be too hard for most people, at least without a lot of time spent reloading. 

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2 hours ago, t_v said:

Definitely turned completely off by default. Many people don't know how to perform an interplanetary transfer, and hitting relatively tiny asteroids will be too hard for most people, at least without a lot of time spent reloading. 

I get asteroid moving contracts all the time.  I assumed it was stock, but maybe they are coming from a mod.  You just use a grabber to grab them and push them around with vast amounts of fuel.  Anyway, the point was to make contracts like these have a purpose because mining them hardly pays for the fuel to wrangle them.   Also, I'm not sure that designing a game for the least interested players is a good design principle.  If they can't do interplanetary then they likely don't it much at all

Edited by darthgently
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I think the difference between having potential to contact an asteroid and having to do it or your base is damaged is that one allows for many different types of players to enjoy the game and the other excludes a lot of players. I don't think game developers should design mechanics around the least interested people, but I think that they shouldn't put in mechanics (by default) only for the most interested people either. the same goes for solar flares, giant storms (which I advocated for but rethought),  and other difficulties that require players to address them despite not having signed up for them. If a player wants to make a base on a scorched planet, they know that they will face heating challenges, but if a player is just sitting at their KSC and an asteroid is detected, they might not have known it was possible. So, allow players to sign up for the challenge by enabling it in their settings, but don't make asteroids crash into bases by default.

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3 hours ago, t_v said:

I think the difference between having potential to contact an asteroid and having to do it or your base is damaged is that one allows for many different types of players to enjoy the game and the other excludes a lot of players. I don't think game developers should design mechanics around the least interested people, but I think that they shouldn't put in mechanics (by default) only for the most interested people either. the same goes for solar flares, giant storms (which I advocated for but rethought),  and other difficulties that require players to address them despite not having signed up for them. If a player wants to make a base on a scorched planet, they know that they will face heating challenges, but if a player is just sitting at their KSC and an asteroid is detected, they might not have known it was possible. So, allow players to sign up for the challenge by enabling it in their settings, but don't make asteroids crash into bases by default.

Oh yeah, completely agree, it should be moderated by the difficulty settings.  I wasn't clear about that as I was trying to be hyperbolic and attention getting and apparently succeeded.  So the lowest setting would be what we have now (impact on Kerbin has no real effect unless it lands right on a building and the settings allow building damage), and the highest would be potential planetary destruction.   I wouldn't want to be in the same room with a 9 year old who just watched *all* the Kerbals die from an asteroid impact.  Put that kid on the easy settings.

One other thing, unless you accept the contract, no event would occur at all.  But in this case, if you have the difficulty bumped up and you don't take the contract, you get a message later on that another outfit took it and got a bunch of reputation and a big payday and your reputation takes a hit, ha.

Edited by darthgently
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