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Relay network before rockets


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KSP allows signal to pass through ground (via the occlusion modifier). When playing with no extra ground stations, you can put a relay network on ground, then you'll have full control over your first uncrewed rocket.

I play with occlusion modifier 0.85, this allows a 60+km line of sight distance on the surface. Here is my relay setup:


There are 8 relays (ABCDEFGH) on 8 vertices of a polyhedron. Each triangle is covered by at least 1 relay and each square is covered by at least 2 relay diagonally, thus providing full global coverage. All relays are put on inland or shore.

I sent a plane with Bill to build this.


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On 2/22/2022 at 1:15 PM, mister_goo said:

Here is my relay setup:


Is G on an island? E? A? Do you have any floating relays. I see F on the coast. Do you deviate a bit from the cuboctahedron a bit based on Geography?

If so, have you looked into optimizing it a bit by making use of mountains?

On 2/22/2022 at 1:15 PM, mister_goo said:

I play with occlusion modifier 0.85, this allows a 60+km line of sight distance on the surface.

A 0.85 occlusion modifier means that signal is only blocked at 85% of the planet's radius, no? Doesn't this mean that the signal line has to pass within 510km of kerbin's center, instead of 600km, to be blocked? That should allow much more than 60km line of sight. Kerbin's radius is 600km, so its circumference is almost 3,800km. to just get around the planet with a ring of stations, each only would need to be able to see about 500km. Did you drop a zero did you mean 600km, not 60?

FWIW, I play at 0.95 atmospheric occlusion, and 0.99 vacuum occlusion. This setup wouldn't work for me.

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For initial milestones, just putting some around/near the equator would be ok too.   One could even parachute them down from early sub-orbital and orbital eastward unmanned launches incrementally increasing control range until a circle of them exists.   That island just beyond the Island Airfield island would be a good first point to shoot for.  Then next the southern tip of the land further east from there followed by the southern continent and so on

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Well, if I were going to make a ground relay network, I would use something like this:


The DNS lvl 3 is just 250G strength, but this guy, with 25x RA-100s, has a strength of 100G * (25)^0.75 = 1118G, over 4x the power of the lvl 3 DSN (resulting in over double the range).

Keeping it on the ground is much easier than launching something similar into space.



That only has 20 antennas)

But in space, you only need one (on a very highly elipticla orbit, it essentially has line of site to 99% of the time.


On 2/22/2022 at 1:15 PM, mister_goo said:

you can put a relay network on ground, then you'll have full control over your first uncrewed rocket.

An alternative is to put your first uncrewed rocket directly into a geosynchronous orbit. The mechanics should work out that you end up with line of sight to KSC

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On 2/22/2022 at 8:15 PM, mister_goo said:

KSP allows signal to pass through ground (via the occlusion modifier). When playing with no extra ground stations, you can put a relay network on ground, then you'll have full control over your first uncrewed rocket.

I play with occlusion modifier 0.85, this allows a 600+km line of sight distance on the surface. Here is my relay setup:


There are 8 relays (ABCDEFGH) on 8 vertices of a polyhedron. Each triangle is covered by at least 1 relay and each square is covered by at least 2 relay diagonally, thus providing full global coverage. All relays are put on inland or shore.

I sent a plane with Bill to build this.



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On 3/9/2022 at 8:19 PM, KerikBalm said:

Is G on an island? E? A? Do you have any floating relays. I see F on the coast. Do you deviate a bit from the cuboctahedron a bit based on Geography?

If so, have you looked into optimizing it a bit by making use of mountains?

A 0.85 occlusion modifier means that signal is only blocked at 85% of the planet's radius, no? Doesn't this mean that the signal line has to pass within 510km of kerbin's center, instead of 600km, to be blocked? That should allow much more than 60km line of sight. Kerbin's radius is 600km, so its circumference is almost 3,800km. to just get around the planet with a ring of stations, each only would need to be able to see about 500km. Did you drop a zero did you mean 600km, not 60?

Yeah, the covering distance is over 600km, no 60km. A bit of deviation is OK, I put all the relays on land.

I have tried to put floating relays on ocean before. But the antena keeps breaking (maybe caused by scatterer wave).

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