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Interplanetary War & Kerbal nations.

Minmus Taster

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Well since in that scenario I was describing I was assuming that I was the "game session host", it would be me putting them in "time out" by kicking and/or banning them from the server and/or game session.
However, so you have a more complete picture, I'll describe a different scenario.

If I joined someone else's game, and I had one or more of my vessels destroyed intentionally by someone other than myself, without my consent, then I'd be collecting evidence using the tools the game gives me (screenshots, etc.) to hopefully catch them in the act, or catch them bragging about it, and then sending that evidence to whoever has the power to kick and/or ban people, with the intentions behind passing that evidence along being hopefully pretty clear.
And if it turns out that I get no action on that front by whoever is in control, or worse, if the person in control ALSO becomes hostile towards me, then I'm going to do the old "I'm taking my ball and going home", and what that means for KSP 2 multiplayer is that I would just take every single one of my vessels that I have control of, and decommission it in the most rapid way practical, (de-orbit and/or change a transfer trajectory to an impact one along with draining all the fuel of the vessel), ("even if / especially if" it has one of their things attached), and then leave that server or session, never to return, along with the previously mentioned cutting off of contact with the players that I feel wronged me. If that means that some of their craft get destroyed by the laws of physics or impacting a celestial body at high velocity, so be it, because they showed no respect for things of my own, I will show none for theirs.

Let me make this perfectly clear, my goals are entirely defensive in nature, however I will not let a slight against myself go unanswered. Justice will be served in some measure.
When I haven't been attacked, I will never go out of my way to destroy another person's craft, and if I'm decommissioning one of my vessels that has other player's vessels attached (for non-hostile reasons, say the vessel class has become obsolete and replaced by a newer version or type of vessel), I will either transfer those vessels to the new vessel that replaces the old one, or simply arrive at a parking orbit somewhere and disconnect all the other player's ships and only then will I proceed to decommission my own vessel (along with clearly communicating that those other player's vessels will be left in that parking orbit, along with where to find them, and if they want me to put them in a specific parking orbit and I'm able, I will do that too).

Decommissioning could take several forms, the quickest is a simple deorbit or adjustment of a transfer trajectory into an impact one, however the far more likely case is that the game mechanics of colonization create incentives for deconstructing old vessels (in orbit or on the surface at a colony) to recover the materials that went into constructing them (as well as any potential payload left on them), so that's the method I'd probably use the most often in "peacetime".

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Ultimately it's all down to what type of game you want to play at that time.  And what server set-ups are available.

For small groups of friends etc. then it's relatively easy to arrange peaceful co-ops or war games as you wish, and to 'filter out' individuals if needed.

If it's relatively open to larger numbers then the chances of the odd pr**k deciding to join in and wreck stuff, just to boost their ego and compensate for their small 'booster', is much greater.    Personally I would generally avoid joining this kind of more public server, but each to their own, I can appreciate that many would enjoy it.

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  On 3/14/2022 at 10:38 PM, BouncyMermaidGaming said:

I think simply saying "KSP2 isn't designed for warfare" will block a potentially larger audience .


KSP not being a F2P Battle Royale FPS is going to block out an enormously larger audience, but that's not the point of the discussion here. 

I have no problems if you personally use KSP2 to build medieval castles and siege weapons when playing with your friends, but it would be a huge waste of potential if half of the development time and resources was invested in adding catapult parts and castle bricks and roof tiles.

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  On 3/15/2022 at 3:44 PM, Master39 said:

KSP not being a F2P Battle Royale FPS is going to block out an enormously larger audience, but that's not the point of the discussion here. 

I have no problems if you personally use KSP2 to build medieval castles and siege weapons when playing with your friends, but it would be a huge waste of potential if half of the development time and resources was invested in adding catapult parts and castle bricks and roof tiles.


Oh yeah 100% agree with you on that. I don't want devs wasting time developing "Jeb labs nuclear puff missile" for a tiny audience.

However, attach a booster, a probe, couple of fins and a guidance unit onto a decoupler and you actually have a controllable missile.

Myself, I wouldn't play in the battle royale. However, I do acknowledge the existence of this audience that could be weirdly integrated in some form or another.


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  On 3/15/2022 at 7:49 PM, BouncyMermaidGaming said:

Myself, I wouldn't play in the battle royale. However, I do acknowledge the existence of this audience that could be weirdly integrated in some form or another.


I don't play any BR game (I got bored of the gamemode when it was still called "hunger games" and it was on modded minecraft servers), but I just finished a Sea of Thieves session, I play PVP on VTOL VR, and I played Overwatch, TF2, Planetside 2, War Thunder, Elite Dangerous, Starcraft, Stellaris and a bunch of other games in which combat and PVP is a core element, I am that audience, I have fun in PVP games, KSP is just terrible at it, there are better options whatever  is the kind of combat you want to try, even if you just want a game in which you build your own combat machines, Trailmakers and Besiege are better options (I play both sometimes) and Space Engineers if you want something set in space.

Is there that kind of audience? Yes probably, but honestly if someone does more than a couple of hours fighting in KSP I think they just wasting time they could spend doing the same on a better game.

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