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[1.12.3] Realtime Funding (and Science) [updated]


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Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/2989/Realtime Funding

This mod fixes orbital research by creating a configurable alternate system you can use

I'm sure you know what issues I'm referring to:
- Research labs are immediately filled up when you just flew across the solar system and had to timewarp a lot.
- The repetitive task of collecting science

This still works normally, but i added a new system that you can use complementary or as a replacement.
The clue is that everything is working in realtime, so it ignores timewarping etc but it pauses when you press ESC
Also everything is highly configurable so you can tailor it to your playstyle / mod configuration.

The default settings are aligned to the vanilla difficulty, but I'd be happy about suggestions to improve out-of-the-box balancing and other feedback.

The systems:

1. Deployed scientists generate science
     This simply counts all scientists you have active anywhere, they don't need to be in a research lab but you need to have them outside.
     You can configure an exponent and a final multiplier, this is the formula: science/minute = scientists ^ exponent * multiplier

2. Finishing a contract gives a permanent science / minute bonus based on the difficulty (stock only) (german, english and spanish)
    I wrote a pretty complex system to determine the difficulty of a contract
    Every planet has a value assigned how hard it is to get there, how hard it is to land and how hard it is to get back into space from the surface.
    It also detects the type of the contract, so very complex tasks contribute to a higher score
    Here's an example: (it always prints it's entire calculation in %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log


Extract Ore from Duna and bring it to Ike.
  Description: The SCAN: Scientific Committee on Advanced Navigation board has uncovered some worrisome issues. We can prove that there is plenty of ore in the solar system. And that's where you come in.
  Retrieve 2,650 units of ore on Duna
  No planet parameter, checking param title
  Duna detected, situation:2.20
  Have 2,650 units of ore on your spacecraft
  No planet parameter, checking param title
  Land your ore on Ike
  No planet parameter, checking param title
  Ike detected, situation:2.00
  Maintain stability for ten seconds
  No planet parameter, checking param title
Max Situation Score: 2.20
Adding planets from mission title...:
  Duna in mission title but already present with 2.20
  Ike in mission title but already present with 2.00
Calculating total score...:
  Duna +4.05
  Ike +3.58
Adding 0.65 for this mission type
Returning 8.28 * 0.50 = 4.14 + 0.46

     You can configure what the result gets multiplied with and how much gets added on top by the amount of reputation you have (the displayed reputation)
     In this case i set both to 0.5, so i'm getting 50% of what it calculated and another 0.46 because i'm at 92% reputation.
     When you start a contract you get a message predicting how much it will yield.

3. Funding based on how much (real) reputation you have accumulated
     No, I haven't cracked the code how the reputation formula worked.
     I pressed "increase by 10" over 3000 times until i reached 98.8% reputation and copied the log output into an array.
     This is how the mod knows exactly how much reputation you have gained.
     The result gets multiplied by a configurable value and added on top of a configurable base value
     As everything in this mod, you get your payout every 10 realtime seconds.








MIT, text included in the file

Also included in the file

Linuxgurugamer for KSP Casher and TotalTime which this mod is based on (but still compatible with)

Edited by pwn
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Nice idea, wonder if in the future if there automatic scan of non stock planet/moons  to see how high gravity, atmosphere density and heiight, distance and assign them a value in the future. Would be very hard to do though.

if you already done it then wow :)

Edited by ssd21345
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6 hours ago, ssd21345 said:

Nice idea, wonder if in the future if there automatic scan of non stock planet/moons  to see how high gravity, atmosphere density and heiight, distance and assign them a value in the future. Would be very hard to do though.

if you already done it then wow :)

currently it only supports stock planets, i'm not sure if this will be possible... especially calculating the deltaV and time required to get there from the home planet.

it would be easier to just add data of the main solar system overhauls. i guess the main one is "real solar system" ?

Edited by pwn
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