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KSP 1.12.3 x64 is still crashing for no reason once again.

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Hi all.
Last time I posted was because my KSP was crashing for no reason, it seemed it was because of my path I had steam installed in, but now it's back (and somehow worse? By worse I mean completely locking up my PC when changing scenes sometimes)

So, here is the gist of it, KSP crashes just randomly, changing from VAB to the launchpad,  loading in a craft in orbit, plotting a maneuver node, whatever you can think of, it'll probably crash the game for no reason.

I've already tried a few things, reinstalling KSP, removing all my mods AND reinstalling KSP, setting everything to default, and more. Pretty much everything I tried doesn't work, only thing I haven't tried is a complete reinstall of Windows 10.

I7-9700K at 3.6 GHz
16 (8x2) kit of Corsair Vengeance ram
GTX 1660TI
Game is running off my 1TB hard drive.
Windows 10

I dunno what to do my dudes, I just wanna play some KSP longer than like 10 minutes without a crash.

Link to the latest crash folder


Alright, so after contacting support a few times with no fix at all, I am resorting to the forums for help.

All I have in terms of mods is just MechJeb2 2.12, so technically it is in the modded support section, and KSP is on the latest update with the expansions.       Don't have any more mods

But the weird part? It just crashes randomly, for no reason, whether time warping, creating a maneuver, or even building a ship in the editor, this happens unmodded and modded, and I can't reproduce it, it just crashes whenever the games wants to mess with me (lol).

The game is also on like ultra low on graphics and things such as that.

I've already tried

  • Fully deleting and cleanly reinstalling my GPU drivers.
  • Checking file integrity (interestingly enough, every time I go check, it's always missing 50-100 files, and Windows defender isn't deleting them???)
  • Reinstalling the game wholly onto another drive.
  • Running the game in clean boot,
  • Trying to run the x32 and x64 (I have 16 gigs of ram, so that should be enough to run the game w/o running out of memory.)
  • Replacing the Xinput1_3.dll thing (didn't work)
  • and a bunch more from the help sticky such as DEP and stuff.

It is also notable that sometimes the game just... quits? and when I mean quits, it just freezes, and quits. No unity crash reporter.
But that's pretty much all I have to offer in terms of detail,  I'll link the logs below this. (I swear it's going to be something simple, ain't it)
(Forgot to add specs sorta relating to this)
Cosiair Vengence 8x2 kit at 3200mhz w/ XMP turned on

GTX 1660TI



This was from my previous help post, it might contain more helpful details.

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a mi también me pasaba, reinstale Windows con la misma y ultima versión , pero seguía fallando, incluso con otros juegos que instale seguía fallando, el problema puede ser el driver de video o algún driver que windows instala automáticamente como por ejemplo los de sonido. Lo primero que hice fue volver una versión anterior de nvidia pero no funciono, segundo volví una versión anterior de Windows con estos pasos https://answers.microsoft.com/es-es/windows/forum/all/cómo-utilizar-la-herramienta-de-creación/4f1f1818-bfbd-4a8a-a89f-d9e97017e10c ,, esto si funciono y los juegos dejaron de dar problemas me llevo a pensar que era una incompatibilidad con DirectX pero no lo se.

hay que revisar si esta directx 12 instalado, ya que windows dice que lo instala en update pero no es así, sino ningún juego se abriría , y también instalar en orden los paquetes de visual c++ en orden: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170 pero yo ya había echo todo esto anteriormente pero kerbal seguía fallando y los demás juegos.

luego volví a la ultima versión de windows 10 y todo funcionaba perfecto y me llevo a pensar que era?? me di cuenta que al principio windows instala algunos driver obsoletos como el de sonido, que provocaba que el sonido se congelara a cada rato., hay que fijarse que driver colisionan con los juegos, desinstalar e instalar los recomendados con tu placa madre, (porque puede generar incompatibilidades) las causas pueden ser muchas solo hay que probar los drivers haciendo clic con el botón derecho en inicio y dirigirse en administrador de dispositivos y comprobarlos, empezando por el de sonido descargar y e instalar realtek high definition audio, esto solo es lo que soluciono todos mis problemas de crasheos.


espero que le sirva mi comentario esta en español pero se puede traducir:confused: 



It also happened to me, I reinstalled Windows with the same and latest version, but it kept failing, even with other games that I installed it kept failing, the problem may be the video driver or some driver that Windows installs automatically, such as the sound drivers. The first thing I did was to go back to a previous version of nvidia but it didn't work, second I went back to a previous version of Windows with these steps  https://answers.microsoft.com/es-es/windows/forum/all/how-to-use-it -tool-of-creation/4f1f1818-bfbd-4a8a-a89f-d9e97017e10c  ,, this did work and the games stopped giving problems, it led me to think that it was an incompatibility with DirectX but I don't know.

You have to check if directx 12 is installed, since windows says that it installs it in update but it doesn't, otherwise no game would open, and also install the visual c++ packages in order:  https://docs.microsoft. com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170  but I had already done all this before but kerbal kept crashing and the other games.

then I went back to the latest version of windows 10 and everything worked perfect and led me to think what it was? I realized that at first windows installs some obsolete drivers such as the sound driver, which caused the sound to freeze every time. You have to check which drivers collide with the games, uninstall and install the recommended ones with your motherboard, (because can generate incompatibilities) the causes can be many you just have to try the drivers by right clicking on start and go to device manager and check them, starting with the sound download and install realtek high definition audio, this is just what solved all my crashing problems .



Edited by Vanamonde
Please post in English when not using the International subforums.
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My guess is that your RAM is faulty.

I recommend using the built in memory test for Windows 10.

To launch the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool, open the Start menu, type “Windows Memory Diagnostic”, and press Enter.


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