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SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here


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The non-stock parts are probably related to TAC life support or Remote Tech 2. The station recycles its water and air but still needs food deliveries.

The station is surprisingly stable but causes significant slowdown on my pc, especially when all the lights are turned on. The plan was to create a modular spacestation so that I could detach empty fuel/food modules and replace them as required. At the time of the picture the fuel module had not been attached yet because I hadn't unlocked the large fuel tanks.

The link below is the exact same picture but without all the pink labels.


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First post! I present the Ayeris Station, made of 1.25 meter parts (don't see that often on space stations), and a Coupla observatory. Can hold 7 Kerbals so far, and has taken 8 launches. It's basically a celebration of me learning how to dock, doesn't really do anything. Still a WIP!





Mods used: KW Rocketry, B9 Areospace, Kerbal Attachment System, KSP Interstellar.

Edited by jmr2000
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First post! I present the Ayeris Station, made of 1.25 meter parts (don't see that often on space stations), and a Coupla observatory. Can hold 7 Kerbals so far, and has taken 8 launches. It's basically a celebration of me learning how to dock, doesn't really do anything. Still a WIP!





Mods used: KW Rocketry, B9 Areospace, Kerbal Attachment System, KSP Interstellar.

Hello and welcome! Unfortunately, you've committed a dastardly and heinous error (not really) by attempting to link directly to files on your own computer. Nobody will be able to actually see those; you have to upload them to an online location instead.

One host that folks here seem to love across the board for this task is imgur.com. Accounts are free, uploading is easy, and linking to uploaded pictures is even easier. :)

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Ok, my Station is finished. It's the Omega Space Station from Mass Effect.

Full Album.


P.S. Can someone please explain me how to post the album, I can get it working.

Nice, very nice! I see your Omega and raise you my own (Felt obliged to post it here as well... :) )


(I like that yours is a bit taller, mine is a bit tubby)


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Ignore the three tanks on the left, that was the launcher for the most recent addition still docked to the station.

I only have the Joint Reinforcement mod, Kerbal Engineer, Enhanced Navball, and Quantum Struts mods.

The station consisted of a main body that was the new giant fuel tank with some size adapters, many docking ports, a couple huge RCS tanks and a cupola module.

5 subsequent launches added escape pods; a space tug; 4 more cupola modules and a hitchhiker tank; solar panels and batteries; and finally a docking boom/comm tower. It took me all day to design, launch and dock each module and with only 2 more things to add disaster struck. I'm not sure if it's the return of the cupola bug, some bug with quantum struts, or something else entirely but the station spontaneously explodes when I switch to it. ;.;



The 3.75 to 2.5 adapter seems to have disintegrated in this image. Other times when I quickload to watch it is one of the other size adapters, or another part entirely that goes nuclear making it hard to find the cause of the station's demise. The F3 popup just says structural failure between all the parts at the same time.

See a more of the station and a couple iterations of the station's demise at http://imgur.com/a/Qrrw5. Maybe someone can tell me what if anything I did wrong when building this station.

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Ignore the three tanks on the left, that was the launcher for the most recent addition still docked to the station.

I only have the Joint Reinforcement mod, Kerbal Engineer, Enhanced Navball, and Quantum Struts mods.

The station consisted of a main body that was the new giant fuel tank with some size adapters, many docking ports, a couple huge RCS tanks and a cupola module.

5 subsequent launches added escape pods; a space tug; 4 more cupola modules and a hitchhiker tank; solar panels and batteries; and finally a docking boom/comm tower. It took me all day to design, launch and dock each module and with only 2 more things to add disaster struck. I'm not sure if it's the return of the cupola bug, some bug with quantum struts, or something else entirely but the station spontaneously explodes when I switch to it. ;.;



The 3.75 to 2.5 adapter seems to have disintegrated in this image. Other times when I quickload to watch it is one of the other size adapters, or another part entirely that goes nuclear making it hard to find the cause of the station's demise. The F3 popup just says structural failure between all the parts at the same time.

See a more of the station and a couple iterations of the station's demise at http://imgur.com/a/Qrrw5. Maybe someone can tell me what if anything I did wrong when building this station.

Don't know that it's anything you're doing specifically wrong, but qStruts have done that to me plenty in the past. Generally, I try to keep them inactive unless the system needs to be moving under power. Otherwise, they're left off, because I discovered this kind of thing happens all too frequently for my taste.

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Yep it was the qStruts. I edited the save a bit:

name = QuantumStrut
isEnabled = True
IsEnabled = True ; Changed this to False

for all 56 qStruts my station had. After loading the save now I have a nice stable station falling gracefully around Kerbin. And now I can right click to activate them when I need to move the station. In future builds I need to remember to add an action group for them.

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Yep it was the qStruts. I edited the save a bit:

name = QuantumStrut
isEnabled = True
IsEnabled = True ; Changed this to False

for all 56 qStruts my station had. After loading the save now I have a nice stable station falling gracefully around Kerbin. And now I can right click to activate them when I need to move the station. In future builds I need to remember to add an action group for them.

Yeah, QS can wreck havoc when they're not connecting "properly". Avoid connections where the blue line is on the edge of a corner (if it goes past a corner, you're in big trouble).

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Tex_NL: Oh my stars (wars), a platform from TIE Fighter (and subsequent games in the series). That takes me back twenty years, to the origin of my callsign...

I knew at least somebody would recognize the the design. It's not completely accurate but come pretty close.

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Nice, very nice! I see your Omega and raise you my own (Felt obliged to post it here as well... :) )


(I like that yours is a bit taller, mine is a bit tubby)


That thing looks awesome! How many frames do you get with that?

My humble entry:- all stock, pieced together in 7 launches, 2 senior docks, 4 clamps and 4 juniors. Science lab for science, fuel for fuel etc. Holds up to 19 kerbals, more for rule of cool than for any real purpose. I got tired of trying to think of profound/awesome sounding names so I just called her Anchorage.

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Eurolab (I tend to make ESA-themed craft). Launched in 2 parts, the main body, and the inflatable habitat module. The main body is the second stage of my Poseidon heavy lifter, minus the engine and plus an airlock and solar panels. And yes, I made a replica of the ACTS-Soyuz craft (basically a Soyuz with a Fregat booster strapped on the back) to send Kerbals up to it.

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Making a new version of my usual combination Minmus orbital lab and kethane refinery for my ARM career, only this time it's going to be hooked to an asteroid.


Libra Station, as it is now. Next to be added are one of the main solar trusses, followed by the life support/utility module and its airlock. Currently all that's up there are the crew segment core, ADA docking adapter (little thing mostly behind the asteroid at a weird angle), and two crew segment truss bases. The big thing docked to the side of the hitchhiker node is a Vall automated cargo transfer vehicle, sent up ahead of the first crew to give them life support supplies and bring a crapload of KAS equipment they'll need for assembly EVAs.

As an aside, the KSO phase II octagonal truss segments look really good when used with 2.5m modules and loaded down with lots of equipment. More structural than the stock trusses, but not as bulky as the NFP octagonals.

Edited by TerLoki
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