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SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here


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Here she is! Finally finished. Several launches, several re-done to fix some aesthetic issues. Also, I changed the design as I saw it coming together, so I relauched several parts then, too.

The whole thing is accessible internally by the Kerbalnauts stationed aboard. Using Crew Manifest and the enclosed structural fuesealages, the crew can maneuver throughout the station without ever having to EVA. The fuel depot is the exception: it is attached structurally only so that it can be disconnected and jettisoned in case of a catastrophic emergency. There are multiple docking ports of both SR and Regular sizes. Other than Crew Manifest, she is completely stock. No MechJeb on any flight, either. This was all done manually.

Here is a link to my Dropbox account showing pictures from the first launch of the main core through today's completion.



Crew currently aboard: 16, including team leaders Bill and Bob.

Maximum theoretical capacity: 38, but the extra space is used for SCIENCE and snacks.

Size: 430 parts

Tonnage: 250t

and copious amounts of fuel, oxidizer, electric charge, and monopropellent.



The Kerbal scientists have a fancy name for it, but everyone has been affectionately calling it Trident. Most everyone now simply calls it Trident and couldn't tell you the science name for it anyway.

Edited by mellojoe
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First Post!

First few stations were really just celebrations of my first manual docking, a collection of noob ships that I ended up crashing into at 4km/s with something

Kerbin Proxima IV was launched in one go. Using Karmony modules: Utilities, Logistics, Habitation, Science, 2 x Warehouse, 2 x Cupola. At the top is a 5 way docking connector for ships. There is a 5 way fuel/rcs tank hookup on the 'bottom'.



Hope the images work!

Edited by benjammin
images moved to imgur
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Space Station Archangel (300km*300km equatorial Low Kerbin Orbit):


Space Station Artemis (150km*150km equatorial Low Munar Orbit):


Space Station Diva (60,000km*60,000km equatorial High Kerbin Orbit waiting for Duna transfer window, docked with resupply vessel at bottom that has since undocked and departed):


Space Station Diana (en route to Minmus, transfer/ascent stage (orange tank) located aft which will be disposed of later in the flight):


Eclair Space Telescope (700km*700km equatorial Low Kerbin Orbit):


Chronologically, Archangel was launched and constructed first on essentially a blank check (and lots of public Kerbal support!) to serve as the primary base of operations for all vessels, stations, and satelites operating in Kerbin's SOI. Archangel is now also home to the Kaguya I and Shizuku I manned Munar orbiter and lander respectively, which are the first manned craft to achieve those feats in this space program. Original Munar mission plans called for Kaguya I to be splashed down on Kerbin and Shizuku I to be abandoned in Munar orbit, but Kerbals all around demanded that the two vessels be preserved in commemoration of their achievements and KSC found them a new home as permanent station modules on the Archangel.

Artemis was launched and constructed in LKO shortly after Archangel was finished and was destined to be the new (and first!) Munar station, along with a mission objective of being cheaper to construct than Archangel; ultimately Artemis was roughly 50% the total cost of Archangel sporting somewhat reduced (but still impressive!) capabilities.

Diva was launched and constructed after the Artemis was finished with the primary goal of traveling to Duna with a 5-man crew and payloads designed to build up on technologies useful for future interplanetary travel, having finished construction she is currently awaiting her transfer window in HKO (the high orbit chosen to save on fuel for the transfer burn to Duna). Diva herself will remain at Duna following current mission plans, the 5-man crew is currently slated to return to Kerbin using the docked Saber-class orbiter and one of the two landers (Saber can only accomodate 3 while a lander can accomodate the remaining 2 crew members).

Diana was designed as a monolithic station (drawing inspiration for her design from the real-world Salyut stations) to save on cost, unlike the modular design of the three prior stations, and was just recently launched and currently en route to Minmus following a rendezvous with a Saber-class orbiter carrying her crew of 3. The Diana featured in the screenshot and currently on its way to Minmus is actually the second iteration of the station, the first Diana suffered RUD due to a lack of enough struts and excessive thrusting of the engines; fortunately this incident did not result in loss of her crew and the problem areas were quickly addressed and the station relaunched which brings us to the present.

The Eclair Space Telescope was designed and launched in one piece as this space program's first (and as of yet only) space telescope to grace Kerbin's sky. While technically not a station, it is classified as one by the Tracking Center and the EST itself was designed with in-flight servicing in mind featuring a docking port for visiting spacecraft to dock with. The scientific finds by the EST have served to enlighten and inspire Kerbals everywhere not unlike the real-world Hubble Space Telescope that the EST drew inspiration from.

Edited by King Arthur
Typo fixes and whatnot.
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First Post!

Kerbin Proxima I was my first station, which was really just a noob ship docked with another noob thing that I crashed into at 4km/s with something

Kerbin Proxima II was a jumble of space junk and noob rockets


Kerbin Proxima IV was launched in one go. Using Karmony modules: Utilities, Logistics, Habitation, Science, 2 x Warehouse, 2 x Cupola. At the top is a 5 way docking connector for ships. There is a 5 way fuel/rcs tank hookup on the 'bottom'.



Hope the images work!

Yeah... those dropbox stuff don't work. Try Imgur.

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My second space station that isn't just several decommissioned ships strapped together, or a Skylab style one-and-done launch.

I put up the common module first with one Mr. Roll Fizzlebeef insisting on riding it up, followed immediately afterwards by the massive solar arrays which were put up in one launch due to my lack of patience.

6 more modules to go, then I need to dock a HORNET Mk. 68-D (SSTO spaceplane escape vehicle), and two Mk. 3-A refueling drones. That leaves open ports on the storage module for automated supply deliveries(Mk.2s modules, WASP and HORNET SSTOs), the science module for incoming/outgoing equipment (HORNET and WASP SSTOs), and the the far end of the station for incoming/outgoing crew (HORNETs), craft just stopping by to top off, and of course my fleet of interplanetary TRAVELLER craft.





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There are no lights on it at the moment, the lights will be on ONLY the external docking ports to keep part numbers down. The completed mockup I have built has over 3000 electrical units WITHOUT any ships docked to it like escape vehicles, refuelers, etc. She's not going dark anytime soon.

Too many lights "white out" everything anyways.

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Haven't been on KSP for ages due to bad case of exploding computer syndrome. Finally got the rig rebuild done, which with the new bigger VAB can only mean it's time for even larger, dafter stations :)

HMS Felixstowe




Gorgeous. That doesn't look vanilla at all.. am I wrong?

Here's my station - I am surprised I did not find anyone else doing multi-port joints on their stations. I very quickly started to use dual ports and squares/corners so I can expand and keep the thing stable.


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For your viewing pleasure, fresh from the labs of Cape Sandy Green, the KOS Taurus



CAPE SANDY GREEN, Kerbal Space Center, Kerbin: Rather compact, but that is just fine as it is largely automated. Station Commander Bill Kerman and his crew are along just to keep the seats warm. With the exception of the first module, located at the bottom of the "pole," every module was launched and placed by AI pods which remain in place to form the network for the station. Jebediah Kerman had the honor of placing the first module in orbit, and with the placement of the habitat and oversight module, he was able to return home for his next mission.

The top array serves as trans-Kerbin communications as well as holds 4 nuclear generators as the primary power supply. The Cape felt that even with Taurus' 500k orbit which reduced time in the darkside by many factors over the originally proposed 100k orbit which was turned down because Bob Kerman felt it might get in the way of launches, the station should rely on power primarily from sources other than the sun.

The branching module is the Scott Kerman Memorial Spacedock, whose mission will be to serve to hold the partitions of the interplanetary craft, codenamed "Excelsior", for later assembly in neighboring orbit and launch therefrom. Original plans called for the spacedock to hold orbit with the station under its own power, but during an extended adjustment period Bill Kerman alerted mission control that the Taurus did have one port open and plenty of power to spare alongside the spacedock's own generous supply. The interplanetary craft is still under design, but CSG expects the command and habitation section to be launched and joined with the spacedock within the month. The janitorial crew are still in the process of cleaning up the engineers' offices after the scuffle and name-calling that occurred when debate of how to get the launch section up to the dock. There was a further row over whether a probe bay section should be included, but that happened during lunch, and piefights being common anyway, caused no unexpected setbacks. Current consensus is to include them with the command and habitat section, and if agreed upon before launch of said section, the VAB workers will just get paid overtime to attach couplers the night before the launch.

Jebediah Kerman expects to be commander of the interplanetary mission, regardless of the fact he is slated to be on the Minmus base mission which will act as secondary relay for communications with the interplanetary mission as well as further extra-Kerbin missions, "It is an honor to help establish the first extra-Kerbin manned base. The Excelsior project is not due for launch for many days, yet. From Minmus, it is just a hop, trip, and a jump down to Kerbin to arrive in time for that glorious adventure, and I wouldn't miss it for all the tea in the Really Dark Sea."

The KOS Taurus has been declared to be fully operational, and Kermy Kerman is already blasting the spacewaves with the first orbital radio station. The first signatory song to be broadcast was a classic, 'Rock Me Like a Munar Lander.' DJ Kermy Kerman reports that that song is requested once every night by Scott Kerman's widow and friends. Scott Kerman took the Monoceros to the Mun to place his footsteps in the Really Dark Sea. His mission ended when an error occurred and his pod crash-landed in the Crater Mountains on Kerbin, which had not been explored before. One of KOS Taurus' first priorities upon orbit was to locate and photograph the crash site. The remains of the Monoceros pod was found to be strewn from the peak of one of the mountains all the way down its vertical face. Plans are in place to map out the treacherous range, as well as further diligence in how missions return to the surface of Kerbin.

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Added two modules today, had to make a few design changes for upcoming modules. Tomorrow I will send up a supply ship with some friends so Mr. Roll Fizzlebeef doesn't have to sit all alone in space.


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Tomorrow I will send up a supply ship with some friends so Mr. Roll Fizzlebeef doesn't have to sit all alone in space.

Even when u bring friends in they are still alone. Stinks that modules dont automatically combine into 1 big module or if they could move between the station. I've got 17 people on my station and moving them around is a pain in the butt.

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Even when u bring friends in they are still alone. Stinks that modules dont automatically combine into 1 big module or if they could move between the station. I've got 17 people on my station and moving them around is a pain in the butt.

Crew Manifest. It is a great mod for moving people around. You don't have to EVA anything. And if you build your station to include walkways and hallways (structural fuselages, in my case) then you don't break the 4th wall at all by doing so.

And it doesn't require a part on your craft. just install the mod and it works on everything, including your current space station without breaking it.

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