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Is there a way to control debris without the remotetech mod?


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So, since as much as I like this game I really, really don't want to have to deploy trillions of satellites- is there a way to make a part of a craft that could detach from the 'main' craft, and operate as an independent ship?

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Not entirely certain - but you might try Mechjeb. Maybe having one of those particular modules ona satellite will allow you to fly it as its own ship once its detatched? Not entirely certain if it works that way. Something to try though.

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Another thread popped-up recently about this very thing. Slapping a MechJeb brain on the debris should do it. The downside is it won't auto-rename.

Though when it comes to RC, you don't really need all that many satellites. Maybe four around Kerbin, three around the Mun and Minmus each...really, once you get the hang of putting them up there, it's easy, and once they're there, you needn't do it ever again.

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You can only control single-stage peices of debris, although you can have more than one peice of a debris from a single ship and dock them together with erkle's.

Keep in mind, all the parts in the stage need to have been "activated" in one of the stages prior to the decoupler that disconnects them from your main rock.

Go to space center and come back in order to see the icons properly on the left. Also, debris will lose all struts.

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See, what I was -hoping- to control was a two-stage craft. A rover and a lander shield, more or less. Slapping a single mech-jeb on it doesn't seem to work too well, I can't control everything effectively. >.<

And I tried Erkle's mod; after almost three hours of failed docking maneuvers, I gave the hell up.

And while I might only need four or so sats for remotetech, I'm planning landers for moons and planets throughout the system. That'll require a VERY extensive network, sadly. :)

Edited by Tassyr
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  phoenix_ca said:
Another thread popped-up recently about this very thing. Slapping a MechJeb brain on the debris should do it. The downside is it won't auto-rename.

Though when it comes to RC, you don't really need all that many satellites. Maybe four around Kerbin, three around the Mun and Minmus each...really, once you get the hang of putting them up there, it's easy, and once they're there, you needn't do it ever again.

Unless your save gets deleted........ :(

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  Tassyr said:
And while I might only need four or so sats for remotetech, I'm planning landers for moons and planets throughout the system. That'll require a VERY extensive network, sadly. :)

Think of how much fun that challenge will be! It's a sandbox game; the challenge is its own reward. Planning the best satellite configuration for covering a celestial body, how to get the satellites there with minimal time effort and resources... that's the sort of thing that ought to be the most fun IMO.

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New mod came out recently that helps out a lot on this kind of thing, its in the Plugin-Powered section, search "MechSAS" and it should come right up. It lets MechJeb know that it can use the "magic torque" that connected SAS modules have available (basically lets MechJeb take control of the SAS modules on a piece of debris)

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Not really if you put the sats in the right place you dont need many or even just send out a local comand ship before sending your lander/recovery ship. If you got to my profile i have pics of a ship that can act as a remote command and carries 8 micro-satelites and probes. Its an instant planetary comms network in one launch then all you do is send a second ship. I am going to follow my probe command ship with a single launch long-range comms sat, ground based comms package and maybe more micro-sats. All in one go hopefully, they take a fair bit of fiddling to get to a managable size capable of launch but i got the 1000+ tons of the probe ship off the ground eventually. Some real spectacular explosions along the way though...

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my method for deorbiting spent ships for disposal is to fly up next to them with another ship, eva over, point the ship retrograde, light the engine, and hop out before it gets too far away from your other ship.

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