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I'm back from the dead, and thank all of you!


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Hello! A lot of you people probably remember me from the old days of this game and remember both the trouble and the memes that I used to stir up when I was here. When I was active, I'd frequent Forum Games and Science & Spaceflight, the two bits that attracted me the most. Regretfully, life caught up with me. I had effectively vanished by 2016, and just two years later, my dad died and I had to move in with my uncle. Fortunately,  that gave me the opportunity to attend high school. This was a life-changing event to say the least, as previous circumstances had meant I was not even attending regular school and did not even possess education between the 3rd and 8th grades. But despite this, I was able to adapt to the knowledge gap. After four years and at the age of 20, I have recently graduated high school, and am now currently preparing to go to college at the Missouri University of Science and Technology.  The degree I'm pursuing?

Aerospace engineering!

I am extremely proud to reveal that this game was almost singlehandedly responsible for my decision to pursue a career in aerospace! Ever since I first picked up the demo, it was intoxicating. I could not stop with it. When I finally convinced my father to buy the whole game for me - over nine years ago, in 2013! I would have been 11 years old! - I had a blast, to say the least. That first impression has stuck with me my whole life, and I believe it to be responsible for my fervent interest in space and engineering as a whole, which really started to manifest in the last three years of high school when I realized what I was destined to become.

Thank you for making, supporting, updating, modding and spreading the word about this game! I cannot thank you people enough for what you've done to my life trajectory. Engineering is without a doubt my true calling, and KSP was one of the biggest stepping stones to taking me there. So, now that I have a great deal of free time on my hands, and have even graduated high school at the top of my Computer Science class, I am greatly pleasured to announce that I will be returning to regular forum activity here. In the eve of KSP 2, I realize that this community is on the cusp of changes and growth like it has never seen before since the first game was originally released. There will be a whole new development cycle going for it - and it won't even remotely be done with by the time I'm out of college in 2026. In that time, I expect KSP 2 will become a mainstay of my inter-class activities - a game I will play regularly, one that will keep me sane on my journey through physics and math classes that are sure to be just as hard for me once I enter schooling as the basic algebra courses were when I first entered high school.

I am looking forward to many more years of virtual flight and design with you guys! No seriously, you people rock!

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