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Magnet Part ...

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So ,there are no ways to connect two parts after launch,for making bigger constructions in space,imagine for example making an International space station or building some bases on another planets gradually by sending parts in separate launches.

one Idea is to make a Magnet part to connect two parts together.

i have written some code and a model for this purpose but it is nowhere near finished right now.

currently i can cast a ray from my magnet and find another magnet,then i use a fixedjoint to connect to parts,but when i try to move one ship the other one doesnt move and the fixedjoint just causes the ship to not move.

i have also provided a save file that you can see some pictures of below for easy testing.

so i want your opinion and collaboration on this Magnet part.

one idea is to completely destroy the other ship and construct it exactly with code, cause right now the magnet activates when game loads.

here is the github project: https://github.com/siavash-hamedani/KSP-Magnet-Part



as you can see, the engines are firing but the others ship and the fixedjoint doesnt let the whole thing move.

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  • 2 weeks later...

SO BASICLY when you magnetized you arse aint going no where !! could it be when you join object in this manner one inherits the propers of the other ?? so in a sense 2 parts magnetically attract become one propertys of both mix to become one ,, so if one wasn't moving in the first place and pretty much has no way to be able to do other part now shares that regodless?? my 2 cents im gonna fart around with your magnet lmao i got some creative uses for it:)

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