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How to resize the stock planets


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Just like many others the release of Parallax sucked me back into KSP.

I absolutely loved the size and feel of JNSQ, 12 hours days, 2.7x size just felt right.

I want to remain in the stock system and use Parallax but I want to bump it up to 2.7x as it's just too small, I landed on Mun too damn easily!

I used to know every mod that was out there but I'm completely out of the loop now. I have no idea if sigma dimensions is still a thing or is there a new and improved way to adjust the scale.

Can someone point me in the right direction please!

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Instructions are quite old, Kopernicus works just fine in every version of KSP up to 1.12.3 and I can’t see any reason why Sigma Dimensions or the rescale configs wouldn’t also work (I vaguely remember checking this in either 1.11 or 1.12 some time ago and it all worked).

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