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Vessel control question/bug?

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Hello, i have created a rocket to pick up my kerbonaut with science and transfer both to an orbiting lab. Now after the kerbonaut enters the spacecraft i cannot control it anymore. But it gets weirder: I can control throttle, however there is no control output for roll, yaw and pitch. Top left of the creen i should see the little drone with the signal strength indication. Any idea how to fix this?


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It looks like your Kerbal is in a Mk1 passenger cabin, which is not a command part, and I'm guessing you didn't add a probe core so there isn't any command point on the vessel and so it can't be controlled. Add a command part (the first tab down in the VAB/SPH editors, either a probe core or a pod with a Kerbal in it) and try again?

If there is a command part on it, can you post a screenshot without the fairing so we can see what's under there?

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