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A use for probes and/or satellites

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So what I'd like to see in the game is an actual use for probes etc as in the first game, there were no uses for them and then there was a contract to build one. I personally find small unmanned space probes fun to build and deploy. Ideas I have for them is:
Using them to image celestial bodies with a new science part maybe? that'll give science
The full Kerbolar and other new systems will have the further celestial bodies locked on the map/unable to be viewed/ viewed in less detail, until there have been images.
Imaging may suggest what resources lie beneath the surface of a body

Any other ideas please leave below

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59 minutes ago, Minihornet said:

So what I'd like to see in the game is an actual use for probes etc as in the first game, there were no uses for them and then there was a contract to build one. I personally find small unmanned space probes fun to build and deploy. Ideas I have for them is:
Using them to image celestial bodies with a new science part maybe? that'll give science
The full Kerbolar and other new systems will have the further celestial bodies locked on the map/unable to be viewed/ viewed in less detail, until there have been images.
Imaging may suggest what resources lie beneath the surface of a body

Any other ideas please leave below

There already is a surface scanner for finding places with more ore, and satellites are used for communication networks. They are also cheaper.

But more uses are always welcome.

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