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[1.12] [Kopernicus] Neidon Plus (Alpha, in-dev)

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43 minutes ago, Great Liao said:

Hey, nice work on the mod.

 Just a minor question-- Is this mod compatible with planet packs that change other parts of the system?

Thank you!


Yes, this is compatible with anything--the only thing it changes is the Neidon system from OPM. Hopefully there should be rescale compatibility soon, though I don't yet know how to implement it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay having visited all these moons in my tour of Neidon here's my review:

First of all awesome and thank you making this! Got a good few hours of fun out of it and definitely made my trip to Neidon worth it

The Neidon re-texture looks amazing I got many nice screenshots of it on my trip, I like the rings too they are suitably subtle for a Neptune equivalent

My favorite moon has to be Hargalað, my first reaction to seeing it was "my god what is this thing" made sure I landed on a cliff with a nice view of Neidon and got some really good screenshots. Love the sharp cliffs and the crazy terrain


My plan was to visit all the Neidon moons except for Thatmo, for the mission requirements here is my experience:

Neidon being a gas giant means most of my dV is spent raising and lowering orbit, probably worth it to maximize Oberth effect here or possibly use gravity assists

Plane change maneuvers are expensive especially near Neidon which is an interesting challenge for Nito and Tito since they have a very low gravity and are in low orbits. Getting encounters is closer to doing a rendezvous than on traditional bodies and either way you are paying if your inclination is off. Especially Hargalað and Tito were challenging because of their low gravity and because its difficult to transfer from Chymere to Hargalað or from Nito to Tito. I really enjoyed the challenge.

For Chymere I spent roughly 200~250 dV on landing, and the same for return to orbit. Probably could be done for much cheaper but my lander was overbuilt

The other 3 bodies have such low gravity landing dV is a non-factor, might even be better to just land on RCS pack

I decided to start from high up in the Neidon system and work my way down Chymere --> Hargalað --> Nito --> Tito

I'm only doing this because I'm visiting Nissee on my way out and want to refuel high in orbit before the plane change. Probably more optimal to come in low and work your way out / direct encounter Chymere from a lower periapsis in order to utilize huge Oberth effect of Neidon

From about 19000km orbit and visiting all the moons in said order took about 2.5K dV out of my pusher stage (including encounters and circularizing), the vast majority was spent getting from Chymere / Hargalað to Tito/Nito that took me about 900~1000 dV. The second biggest drain was getting encounters with Tito and Nito, being more precise with my inclination, or doing my plane changes higher up could have saved some dV here.

Hope this helps someone plan their mission

Thank you again for making this!

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  • 3 months later...
3 hours ago, theogameren said:

why is neidon's atmosphere orange (i play with scatterer, parallax, planetshine, DOE and astro's visuals)

There's probably some bugs in the system honestly. I'd recommend using Iodyne's visual mods, since they actually work for modern Scatterer: https://github.com/IIodyne/IO-Visuals/releases


Edited by Interplanet Janet
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/9/2024 at 10:12 AM, Phoneixs 2763 said:

Could you please add more inner moons, like a Larissa, Despina and a Galatea analogues. Considering we all ready have analogues for Proteus (Chymere) Hippocamp (Hargalað) Thalassa (Tito) and Naiad (Nito).

As of yet, the only thing I have planned is maybe a Nissee revamp and some other little bug fixes.

I would do Scatterer compatibility, but I believe Iodyne has already supplied that so I think there's not much more I can do besides biomes.

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14 hours ago, QuadrilateralsAreCool said:

If you're not going to add Scatterer support because Iodyne does, could you add a link to it in a recommended section?

Actually, I was mistaken, I do have Scatterer support, I just forgot about the configs (ADHD moment). So yeah.

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  • 2 weeks later...

An announcement:

Recently, I begun work on a large-scale collection of mods designed to expand the experience offered by the base Outer Planets Mod. This pack, Outer Planets Expansion, was to add a set of moons to each of the four gas giants of the Kerbol System, including a few which overlapped with those added by NeidonPlus. Rather than having to constantly dodge each other's additions to the system for the sake of compatibility, @Interplanet Janet and I came to an agreement – I had just finished the pre-release form of OPX-JoolPlus, and we agreed that I could add my ideas to NeidonPlus itself and help with some of the elements of existing objects which were left unfinished until this point, rather than having two proteuses.

Thus, the next release of NeidonPlus will be as a part of the Outer Planets eXpansion project, with up to three new objects (depending on how fast I work) and full biome maps for each existing moon and Neidon itself created by me. At this point, we believe that (OPX-)NeidonPlus will have exited the development stage for the most part, becoming the first installment of the OPX mod pack. Janet is not stepping back from this mod, and we may work together on other elements of OPX as well.

Edited by The Minmus Derp
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  • 4 weeks later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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