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Your Companies timeline

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I know most people are thinking of concepts massive in scope to include in ksp 2. I have a smaller suggestions that i think most will enjoy. And that is a timeline. 


If you start a company in a sort of career mode you should be able to your "timeline" and see all of your notable accomplishments and failures. It should read like a story.  In the year 2024 Jeb flew to X planet he has been there for 74 years he has yet to return etc. Thats just an example, however I feel alot of joy in the game is gained through trial and error. And to have to documented and read back to after hours and hours of gameplay is fun to see and share. Im sure it'd be very fulfilling to the average ksp enjoyer. This as i said earlier isn't massive in scope.

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I think this is a good idea, EU4 and such games have a similar system. You could also integrate this with the idea of statues and plaques, memorialising the founders of a colony for example.

Once the core features of the game are complete, the writers will need something else to work on..

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13 hours ago, Nirgal said:

I think this is a good idea, EU4 and such games have a similar system. You could also integrate this with the idea of statues and plaques, memorialising the founders of a colony for example.

Once the core features of the game are complete, the writers will need something else to work on..

I'm kind of hoping there's a position like "colony administrator" we can promote our most accomplished kerbal crew to. There's going to be a lot of years passing with the new longer distances. Eventually they'll have survived enough decades drifting in space and death defying landings to earn a retirement to a cushy high ranking desk job.

Maybe even a way to make a specific kerbal an official captain of our bigger ships. With the massive new sizes it seems fitting to have a commander.

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This is a great idea, this adds a sense of accomplishment for games I've played that has this.

I can think of at least 2 different types of timelines that would be nice, and they could be implemented together or individually.

  1. Event based - Timeline of unique hand-picked events like landing on the Mun, founding a colony, reprocessing your first unit of fuel etc.  Similar to the timelines in Civ 6 Gathering Storm
  2. Metric based - Various quantitative graphs like resource wealth over time, number of kerbals in your agency, farthest distance from Kerbin etc.  Similar to the wealth graph in Rimword (although KSP2 won't have currency)

One nice side effect of this is it may subtly discourage excessive time warping, and encourage efficient overlap of missions, to keep timelines "pretty" with fewer large gaps.  Alternatively, separate graphs could be made with "kerbal time" and "human player time" as the x-axis.  Would be interesting to toggle the two and compare.

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