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Kerbalish - KSP KSRSS


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The solid rockets you got contracts for are Restock+ 0.625m boosters, I think they’re deprecated after the stock 0.625m SRBs were added.

Try adding SRB Waterfall Effects (SWE) so solid boosters look as good as liquid fuelled engines (you do have Waterfall installed, right?) and if you’re going to be doing any rover stuff, BonVoyage is an absolute must so they can drive themselves in the background to go places instead of having to drive them by hand for mile after tedious mile- er, kilometre?

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So you put a Science Jr, a part famously bad at withstanding heat, on the bottom of your re-entry section with a heatshield of equal diameter, left the SAS off so said Science Jr got exposed to re-entry heat, and thought that would actually work?

You pressed F4 and disabled showing other vessels, press F4 again to switch it back on.

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I think Chinese capsules land on land, like the Soviet designs they’re based on. Only the US lands their capsules at sea.

Wait a minute- did you just quote the theme from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?

Returning from Venus in stock-ish KSP is a lot easier than you think if you use Breaking Ground motors and propellers to climb through the soup to an altitude that conventional rockets can function. (At least that’s how I see it, I’ll admit I’ve never tried KSRSS before…)

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When using Bon Voyage you need to set the waypoint and then set the rover autopilot to drive to the current waypoint. It does have a habit of occasionally breaking/exploding wheels, something to do with the maps BV uses being subtly different to what’s rendered in physics range I think?

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7:00 - Looks like we’ve found the Impostor.

The stuttering frames on launch could be due to looking down at the terrain, try aiming the camera up next time? It could also be due to an exception of some sort, try a launch with the debug console open and see if anything pops up, check the log files if it does.

Edited by jimmymcgoochie
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