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Hello, I am new to Kerbal Space Program. I first saw the program on Youtube videos, and myself being a major Space geek, i was like, "i am so downloading this!" The only issue that i am worried about is currently, my arrow keys don't work, and some of the instructions require arrow keys. I just hope there not major instructions.

My goal is to visit all the plannet's in the game at least once, by next October. Yesterday i tried getting the "Kerbal X" rocket into orbit around Kerbin, but on my first attempt, it took off, then tilted and landed in the Ocean, all three Kerbalnauts died. The second attempt i got higher, but then lost control, and one of my Kerbalnauts got the "Genius" idea of doing a EVA, well about five minutes later, he face-planted into Kerbin and died, The fate of the rest of his crew is unknown at this time. I was feeling down, but then i remembered, "NASA's early attempts at Spaceflight were just like this, and now look at them, they haven't lost a crew since 2003!"

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Hi PolarBearsOnASpaceship (copypasted that, no way am I typing that much) Welcome to the community :)

Arrow keys? Not the number pad then? Maybe you have a funny keyboard or you installed Lunar Flight.

Anyway, here's a good tutorial on getting to orbit, have fun playing KSP (as soon as you get your keyboard to work) :D

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Welcome to the forums PolarBearsOnASpaceship (Really? I like the name).

Youtube and streamers draw quite a lot of attention to this game and it is helpful to SQUAD. (I also got it because I'm a space geek).

You can always change your key bindings, but that would be a pain as you would have to remember which one is which although you MIGHT be able to use a joystick (not so sure).

Anyway, good luck with getting to all the planets by next October (I'm not sure you need that long, but play how you want).

Also, check out some of the different boards of the forums, you will find some interesting things.

Enjoy your time here with space nerds/geeks like me here and go blow some rockets up! :sticktongue:

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