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how much will ksp 2 cost in argentina steam region ?


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35 minutes ago, GoldForest said:

49.99 USD = 9633.81 Argentina Peso according to google (This is before tax)

Unfortunately (or fortunately for some regions), this is not how Steam regional pricing works. The publisher can set whatever price they like for each currency, according to the game market and other economic factors for that currency (see https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/store/pricing#5); they don't just look at what the exchange rate happens to be on a particular day.

To actually answer the question, we don't know yet. Dakota (a community manager) has said on Discord that he will communicate the regional pricing info as soon as he has it.

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1 minute ago, Ashandalar said:

Unfortunately (or fortunately for some currencies), this is not how Steam regional pricing works. The publisher can set whatever price they like for each currency, according to the game market for that currency; they don't just look at what the exchange rate happens to be on a particular day.

To actually answer the question, we don't know yet. PD Dakota (a community manager) has said on Discord that he will communicate the regional pricing info as soon as he has it.

Ah, my bad then. 

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