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Wings/Control Surfaces/Slider - Separate Authority Slider for each - Could help fix SAS roll wobble

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My first activity is to explore the new Kerbal in nap of the kerbal fashion and in doing so I started build aircraft.  I love the new wings, but don't love that I can't separately control each direction pitch/roll/row with it's own authority.  By dampening down the authority I can easily eliminate the SAS roll wobble, but it also dampens pitch, causing me all sorts of issues. 

If I could have a separate slider for each control, wings/control/surface/slider, that would be wonderful :)

I didn't find this on a search of the forum, sorry if a thread has already been started. 


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Hello, I don't have an answer but I do have a question related to wing construction. I haven't bought KSP 2 yet and am curious.

Are we able to adjust the size of control surfaces? (Not the all-moving ones, the integrated flaps in wings.) I've seen many posts of planes with comically large ailerons.

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16 minutes ago, FishInferno said:

Hello, I don't have an answer but I do have a question related to wing construction. I haven't bought KSP 2 yet and am curious.

Are we able to adjust the size of control surfaces? (Not the all-moving ones, the integrated flaps in wings.) I've seen many posts of planes with comically large ailerons.

Yes, you can adjust the control surfaces separately from the body of the wing. As far as I can tell, each wing can have, at most, one control surface, so it's not like you'll be putting flaps or slats or spoilers on them

Edited by whatsEJstandfor
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5 minutes ago, whatsEJstandfor said:

Yes, you can adjust the control surfaces separately from the body of the wing. As far as I can tell, each wing can have, at most, one control surface, so it's not like you'll be putting flaps or slats or spoilers on them

Gotcha, thanks! Hopefully they'll add flaps eventually.

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1 minute ago, FishInferno said:

Gotcha, thanks! Hopefully they'll add flaps eventually.

idk, KSP1 didn't have flaps, and I think having them might be overkill even for KSP2. That would add a level of complexity that, tbh, I don't think would actually add any fun or function to the game. That kind of stuff is way more suited for a dedicated realistic flight sim

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I used control surfaces in KSP 1 on large aero landers as flaps and spoilers tied to action buttons to help in low speed landings on rougher terrain with the FAR add on either in RO or JSQP environments.    I for one would love to see flaps.... but I am helping to hi-jack my own topic.  :)


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