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Workspace Saving System

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First of all, beside of many problems, i have a great first experience with KSP 2.

I like the concept of workspaces, but i have some problems and suggestions for the current workspace system:

  • Autosaves clutter the workspace ui
    First of all, everytime an autosave is created, it will be saved as a new workspace, which gets very annoying.
    Maybe autosaves could be shown in a dropdown menu to declutter the ui.
  • Saving system inconsistent
    When saving a vehicle name and a workspace name, you see all your vehicles, but not the workspaces. And if you save another vehicle in the same workspace, the previous vehicle will be overridden.
    Also you can't load those vehicles shown in the saving ui, but only the workspaces. I don't know, if this is intended or a bug, but it feels very inconsistent.
    Edit: Clarification:
       While saving, you see vehicles listed by their vehicle name. For all workspaces, but only one from each.
       While loading, you see only workspaces with their respective names.
  • Loading: Workspace takes up a lot of space
    I'm not 100% sure how i will use the workspace system, but for now i'm likely to save many crafts in seperate workspace files.  Because of this it would be nice, if they get much more compact.
    The idea of an image from the workspace is nice, but i think it would be fine, if it's smaller. Also there is a lot of dead space.

    There are many playstyles. Maybe some have only a few workspaces, which works for them more like folders, collecting all vehicles of the same type.
    Other ones might use them only for big projects and want to save normal vehicles in separate files. The system should support both playstyles.
  • Subassemblies
    I know the workspace concept is a replacement for subassemblies and you can merge two workspaces together.
    But is there a way to copy only one vessel from one assembly to another? Let's say i have a workspace with all my launch vehicles and a workspace with all my probes.
    How do i copy a probe to the launch vehicle workspace, to launch it into space?

I'm very excited to see how the game develops in the coming months.

Edited by Gurkonier
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I think the workspace system is an improvement we need for certain large builds. So it is good that they exist.

But maybe the default should be the KSP 1 version of one vessel at a time (save vessel only, no workspace), with being able to turn on workspace as an advanced mode instead. When you get started with the game, workspaces are mainly making the situation more complex than needed. You won't care about them at the start, but they may confuse you.

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26 minutes ago, Gurkonier said:


  • Autosaves clutter the workspace ui
    First of all, everytime an autosave is created, it will be saved as a new workspace, which gets very annoying.
    Maybe autosaves could be shown in a dropdown menu to declutter the ui.

Agreed. And I don't understand when or why it autosaves. 

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