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Protip: The Stock RC Sparrow Is Upside-Down!


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Boy howdy, this one took me so long to troubleshoot. I was having such a hard time getting the RC Sparrow to take off. Before I could reach a takeoff airspeed, I'd spin out of control and crash. Eventually I noticed that the controls were inverted; hitting S pulled the elevators down, and hitting W pulled them up. Not only that, but hitting A would make me yaw to starboard, and D would yaw to port. I thought that maybe the COL was in front of the COM or something, but after fiddling with wing placement and checking to see if the Invert Controls option for those wings were enabled, I couldn't figure this one out.

After some more troubleshooting*, I found that the g*sh d*ng probe core is flipped around. If you remove the probe core, and use Q or E to rotate it 180 degrees, and put it back on, the controls become what you'd expect. It's still hard to takeoff, but not impossible like it was before, and I found that lowering the friction of the wheels definitely helps.




*Pictured: troubleshooting


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