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16 minutes ago, Periple said:

Let’s go to Laythe together! You build the Laythe plane, Joe builds the base modules, I’ll build the transfer stages, kerbiloid builds the lifters. We’ll RV in LKO 30 days before the transfer window, dock up, and go!

Sounds like a very niche-MP to me (not working for anyone beyond a few very dedicated friends) - and the same could be achieved by simply sharing your crafts via steam workshop communicating via Discord and having one person stream the flight since its not like everybody can do much at the same time.

Im not saying its not interresting at all or couldnt be fun - but in reality how many people would do this how often and how much fun would it even be since most people would be passive 90% of the time - so i wonder - is this really worth a lot of development time - especially if it could also limit SP features?

Edited by Moons
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