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Coupling does not work on stock kerbal-K2 (and on own constructs)


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I have serious problems with the couplings now. The couplings work in the sense that they decouple from the next stage, but then the vehicle is still connected. I did it with my own construct where three siderockets (first stage) continued to be coupled to main rocket after decoupling and the couplings had flewn away.

But i got the same with the stock Kerbal-K2. But between second and third stage.

As can be seen in this post: https://pasteboard.co/MDHx3sAVL4DX.png

(I could not paste this picture in here)



Via discord i heard that the issue can be solved by saving and exiting and loading the save. And yes it worked. The stages are coupled now. But it definitely is a bug if a save and reload is needed to "solve" the issue.

Edited by Ligator
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Fixes / Workarounds: There is a workaround for this bug. Split the decoupler staging and the engine firing staging into two seperat staging events. For the example of the Kerbal K2 rocket, reorganise as shown in the image below.




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