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Jet Plane "bombs" going for a little flight


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  • KSP Version:
  • Operating System and version: Windows 10 22H2
  • CPU and GPU models: Ryzen 5 3600X, RTX 3060 Ti, 32GB DDR4 RAM
  • Description of the bug.  
    • Expected Behavior: When decoupling these simple structures, which are made up of 3 xs fuel tanks and 2 xs nose cones on either end, I would expect them to just fall to the ground and explode in amazing fashion.
    • Observed Behavior: It seems they have some type of aerodynamic lift to them that causes them to shoot up and in random directions after dropping them from the craft. It is more exaggerated the faster and higher I go.
  • Steps to Replicate: Make a plane and add little "bombs" to the wings. I think you have to have nose cones on either side of it.
  • A list of ALL mods: I have SpaceWarp and the custom flags mod, that is all.

I have numerous other bugs that all seem to have been reported. The most annoying of which is my campaigns seem to break and I no longer can save them, forcing me to delete them and start a new one. It's not a huge deal though because I am just testing stuff right now and messing around due to the WIP state of the game. But I haven't seen much reported about this issue with the aero behaving strangely.

I am not sure if this is really a bug as much as it is the aero system still being worked on and tested.

Here is a quick video below I recorded of the bug: 



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