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The Burn Timer "Start Burn in:" feature is counting down even if the player drops their throttle to zero.


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KSP2 Version:
Operating System: Windows 10
CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB
Mods used: None

Video Evidence:
First look to see that I activate the engines. Then I stop after 2 seconds into the burn and the timer still keeps counting down.

Possible Expected Behavior:
This is more complicated because what if the player only drops the throttle to 50% or 80% because once that happens the timer is inaccurate.

Alternative possibility:
A way around it might be that the timer just stops and turns to another colour indicating an error on the part of the player?

Additional Information:
This wouldn't matter very much if it was the same as KSP1 where dV is a much more important indicator of how a maneuver is progressing which I made another bug report for:


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