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Kerbal Using a Jetpack at High Speeds Horizonally Will Just Land on Their Feet When They Should Stagger or Fall Over at the Very Least. (A few Animation Suggestions as Well)


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KSP2 Version:
Operating System: Windows 10
CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB
Mods used: None

Video Evidence:
Kerbal will contact the surface at 43.1m/s horizonal speed without momentum affecting it and ends up just standing.

First Compliments to the Developers:
I love what has been done here. It's amazing. So smooth and it seems almost natural to be able to travel horizonally and hit the ground at 43.1m/s and just be standing at the end of it. (a bit below 60m/s is actually the top speed)
Truly its surprising how well this works.

Suggestions for Animations to make it "seem" a little more realistic:

  1. If slow enough the Kerbal just staggers.
  2. If a bit faster the Kerbal falls onto its face and then gets back up and then dusts themselves off.
  3. If a lot faster than that the Kerbal falls over onto its face and travels a small distance before stopping and then gets up and dusts themselves off.
  4. Also there could be on rare occasions that the Kerbal actually does a sort of crouch and do a slide to a heroic stop like the movies (or nearly makes it)

Additional Information:
The rag dolling in KSP1 wasn't really that enjoyable so let's not go back there please ;)


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