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I can load saves that are in the VAB, but not in flight, attempting to, the game freezes at "Deserializing Save File Contents" stage


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After freezing at "Deserializing Save File Contents" for like 5-10 minutes, the game dumps me back to the main menu screen, but the UI is missing and I have to alt tab out to close the game.  I should note that I thought  I was lucky since I had enjoyed KSP2 relatively bug-free from launch until 2 days ago when this serious bug happened.

screenshot of the loading bar message on imgur


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It is my pleasure to report success in solving this bug thanks to help I received on reddit.  Here's the part the devs need to see:  for some reason, a few days ago, the game had a hiccup and copied a TON of (apparently) junk info in the JSON save file.  My 6 save files after that hiccup were around 2 gigs each!  The advice I received was to delete the contents of ObjectEvents[], all text inside the square brackets.  Below, I will paste what I responded to that advice with.

"Success!  That was the culprit.  I deleted 5 of those 6 huge save files and edited the only one I cared about, deleted everything inside ObjectEvents [], which took the file from 57 MILLION lines of code down to 49 thousand lines.  No, I'm not joking.  Deleting all those bugged auto-added entries apparently didn't effect anything in game at all!  At least not that I can see yet.  New file size is down to 2 meg, and the new autosaves the game created today are that size too.  Can't thank you enough partner!!  I will keep an eye on my savegame folder from now on."

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1 hour ago, FatDABZ4DAYz said:

so im currently trying this fix but when i select the 80 million lines of code in Visual Studio Code and press ctrl+x it doesnt delete, same with backspace and delete.... idk how imma manage deleting it all one line at a time now basically

welp i bugged it even more lol, when i del about a million lines it crashed the software so i just del the whole save but when i went to another autosave it crashed as soon as it tried to load the save, so reinstall it is


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