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Permanent Part Drift is Happening Because Time Warp is Saving Stressed Parts Coordinates into Memory.


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KSP2 Version:
Operating System: Windows 10
CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB
Mods used: Lazy Orbits to get into Eve orbit then removed mod afterwards otherwise it wastes a lot of time travelling all the way to Eve to test again and again.

There are two ways this happens. 
1. A craft under stress because a rocket engine is firing and then time warp is used.
2. When a craft has the force of gravity being applied to it on a planetary body and then time warp is used.

Below shows the accumulative effects of this happening to crafts in a short amount of time.

1. Firing Rocket Engines:
Video Evidence (Orbit):
Save File for Orbital Test:

How to Reproduce Using the Save File Supplied:
1. Activate the engines to full throttle
2. Turn on Time Warp and get it to as full Time Warp as the game will allow
3. Spam Time Warp keeping it engaged even though KSP2 will keep dropping it.
4. Get just the right timing and it will do as it did in the video.

2. Using Gravity:
Video Evidence (On the Surface of Eve):
Save File for Planetary Test:

How to Reproduce Using the Save file Supplied:
1. Turn on Time Warp
2. Turn off time warp
3. Wait until the flexible parts have dropped down towards the ground
4. Turn on Time Warp (watch the timing for full time warp to be available not physics warp. It has to freeze the parts.)
5. Keep using Step 2 to Step 4 until it looks like the video or worse


To Clarify:

This bug report is about:
Time warp saving stressed parts coordinates into memory.

The other bug report (one below) is about:
The game saving stressed parts coordinates into the save file.

More Information:
As I said in the other bug report, KSP1 (excluding robotics) saves the crafts original parts coordinates (VAB/SPH/Editor) into the save file so they can never change or be influenced. (well other than docking)
That avoids these issues unless the developers want to record the original parts coordinates and their stressed ones so they can bend back to their original positions when the force is withdrawn, but that would make for huge game save files right?


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Same problem here. It happened to me when i was timewarping for a Mun Insertion Burn from Low Kerbin Orbit and again when I was undocking a Duna Lander from a mothership and the two had gotten squished together.

https://imgur.com/a/YhFtigo  <----- This is an Imgur Link to the unwanted partclipping with my Mun Rocket. (I do not have photos of the Duna mission)

Very annoying if you want a craft that rearranges Apollo-style. Reloading SaveFiles does not change anything unless the compression occurred after the save was made.

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