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Attempting to connect frames together, not welding


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I have been trying to play with launching large structures.   It has been near impossible,  But one thing that seems broken.  

I can't for the life of me get the entire structure to weld together.  There is always a piece hanging somewhere.


Edited by Elfmaze
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KSP Version   :

Operating System and version   Windows 11

Ryzen 5950X  RTX3080 Ti

Description of bug : above

Expected Behavior : Parts stay together on the launch pad

Observed Behavior: Some parts stay together,  other joints are notoriously hard to get to stick 

Steps to Replicate : built and rebuild this "frame" several times... each time had an issue with something staying together

Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) : none yet

A list of ALL mods.  If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window. : none

Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..)

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It seems when you place an object it is only able to form one bond at a time.  So making a ring of sorts is impossible as the last section needs to make two bonds at once to complete the ring. this does not seem to matter what kind of object.  I tried frame to frame, and even all docking ports.  It does not appear to ever connect all the joints around the ring 



Edited by Elfmaze
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Yeah, this is an issue that's plagued the game for a long time. You can't really have multiple connections like that without duct tape in the form of docking ports or copious strutting, etc

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