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BepInEx vs SpaceWarp


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This is a total NOOB question. I just came over from the dark side (xbox console) to PC for KSP2. Never applied mods on a PC game yet. Can someone give a brief explanation on why there are two Mod Install managers (BepInEx and SpaceWarp). And why some modS are now saying that you need BepInEx as part of SpaceWarp. Before I dive into installing mods, I'd like to understand this. Before I blow something up by making a mistake. Though that is the Kerbin way.... Thanks in advance.

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Earlier versions of SpaceWarp worked as a mod loader, which is what BepInEx also is. Since SpaceWarp 0.4, it instead became itself just a mod for BepInEx which serves as a common library for modders to make their work easier. So, there's just one mod loader in use now - BepInEx - and all mods are loaded through it. Most mods also require SpaceWarp to be installed because they use it as a library. For convenience, there is a package containing both BepInEx and SpaceWarp in one .zip file to make installation easier for users: Space Warp + BepInEx on SpaceDock.

Edited by munix
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