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Game Goes Unresponsive When Adjusting Maneuver Node/Save


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Steam Build ID: 10752762 (Version

Intel Core i7-8700K

nVidia GeForce 3080

32 GB memory


Launched a ship, approaching AP and set a maneuver node to finish my orbit, game froze and hung for a good minute or so before it started responding again, after getting a windows error indicating it was not responding and asking if I wanted to wait. It eventually responded, but when I touched the maneuver node again it froze again for minutes. This essentially makes it impossible for me to use maneuver nodes completely now (prior to the latest patch, there was no issue).

Additionally, when I manually saved my game, the game went unresponsive again and froze for between 1-2 minutes receiving the windows unresponsive application pop-up. After a bit, the game began responding again.

This also happened when attempting to reload my saved game the following day.

Edit: Appears to be save specific. I started a new campaign and the issue doesn't persist there.


Edited by Alymon
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