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Maneuver planner trajectory disappears


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In a parked orbit ~80,000m when planning a maneuver for Mun intercept the trajectory path disappears when I hit 600dV using prograde grip. It continues to stay this way as dV increases to beyond fuel capacity. Trajectory path reappears when pulling retrograde grip back to  ~400dV. When the path disappears, an new red path shows up that is truncated with a cross symbol on it. When trajectory path reappears this new red path goes away. 

Have rebooted quicksave, problem persists. Rebooted game loading up quicksave at which point ship exploded. reloaded quicksave and the maneuver planner problem persists. scrubbing mission and maybe reboot computer. will repost if this fixes the problem. If no repost, consider bug persistent.



KSP 2 V1.1.0.21572

windows 10 V 21H2

i5 13600

RTX 3080 10GB

32 GB DDR5



log file


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