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Stock Ksp graphics and gameplay enhancement mods only science mode play through

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Hi i am kspbutitscursed I attempt to fly in ksp but i do not always succeed.

as in when i have a kraken attack




have tried many time to get to complete the tech tree but only once i have made it last time i time warped into the ground and got sent out of the kerbin system 

I have several ksp installs (*** install i am using for report)

1. ksrss 

2. jnsq 

3. rss ro 

4. rss ro rp1

5 scock science only*** 

6. stock fun world

7. decq's saturn v mod 1.7


mission 1 the hopper.

the hopper uses the start solid rocket, the MK1 capsule MK16 chute, 3 mystery goo 

mission 2 suborbital 

mission 3 minmus 

mission 4 mun

mission 5 deep space 

mission 6 gilly and eve orbit 

mission 7 duna 

mission 8 dres 

mission 9 eelo 

and whenever i have time to update i will attempt to do a missio on saturday or sunday if availble but it not expect it to be updated one every two weeks at worst. 

thanks for reading bye :wink:


Edited by kspbutitscursed
adding more things
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mission 1  the hopper i did get any images of the ascent because i was worrying about the flight itself


MK 1 landing


mk 2 entry


mk 2  parachute

Edited by kspbiuitscursed
adding more things such as pictures lol
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On 5/4/2023 at 11:15 AM, kspbutitscursed said:

cannot update for 2 weeks assesments

well i ended up update LOL

minumus landing 

i am going to redo the launch and TMI because i did not get them 


Cruising between kerbing and the best moon 57WMXJ2.png

cruising IVA view


MInmus landing



landing confirmed


thats all for today between this and Artemis 1 i have been busy

Edited by kspbutitscursed
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