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[v0.] CommNet no connection after decoupling two probes, each with their own probe-cores.


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So I made this rocket to bring two probes to the Mun. Top-most a Coms-Satelite with the pizza-box probe core and two antennas. The little Communotron that do not extend, and the medium one that do fold out into a large dish. Under this and after a decoupler, a little lander also with a pizza-box probe-core and two antennas. The little extendable Communotron, and the HG-5 dish that pivots out. All antennas with such ability were extended.

After separating the two craft, the Coms-Sat would work fine, parts manager says Fully Operational. The lander however I could not control. Probe core said No Comms Connection. Clearly a bug as I believe both the Communtron extendable antenna AND certainly the HG-5 dish should have the range to reach KSC from orbit around the Mun (with line of sight even). Not to mention reaching the Coms-Sat just a couple of kilometers away.

Oh, and when the bug is resolved, could we also get a visual of Communication-Lines as in the KSP1 mod (I forget the name) that enables more advanced communcations functionality. Like setting up a proper network of relay-satelites, and seeing in real-time what is connected to what.

edit: Technical info: No mods, Windows 10, Ryzen 7 5700X, RTX4070ti, 48Gb DDR4 RAM

Edited by Zylark
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Stock KSP1 showed signal strengths to various relay-satellites/stations, as well as ‘signal strength’ of every hop from you to KSC along their chosen path (not always the best IMHO, but so be it)…


For now, I don’t think CommNet is even enabled (behind the Mun or Minmus, or at Duna with the smallest antenna, no loss of signal), but  you will lose control on undocking/decoupling probes, until you save/quicksave and then reload (you’ll have green icon + full control)

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Just want to mention I can also confirm this bug.  Launched an SSTO with two QBE sats docked in the cargo bay.  After undocking both say no commnet connection.

I launched the same QBE sat all by itself without anything to undock it from on the runway, this meant it was just laying on the runway.  It was the only controlling part on the launched craft.  When launched this way it was fully operational.

I then launched it as part of a larger craft that had a command pod.  When I undocked the QBE sat from the command pod while still on the runway, I had the same "no commnet connection" issue.

The quicksave/quickload trick does seem to consistently get the QBE sat back to fully functional.

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