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Kerbals magically transported from Launchpad to empty capsule on the Mun

Meta Jonez

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I flew a modified K2 remotely to the Arch on the Mun, landed.  Empty lander, no Kerbals made the journey.

I then went back to KSC, back into the VAB, and loaded an identical ship, but this one with Bill, Valentina, and Tim Kerman, and went to the Launchpad.  Here I noticed I had picked Tim, and not Jebediah, so I reverted to the VAB to swap Tim for Jeb.

In the VAB, Bill, Valentina, and Tim are not available.  Bob has occupied the first seat.  Ok, not the first time Kerbals have disappeared.  I load Jebediah, Bob, and Nedwise into the lander and Launch.

We make it to the Mun, and I manage a landing within 1.2Km of the remote piloted capsule.  I then go back to tracking center and take command of a second remote ship, this one empty of Kerbals, piloted remotely and carrying a rover.  I land this on the Mun as well, all within 1.5km of each other and the arch.

I go back to KSC, Tracking Station (I do this often, as I have found there is a better chance of avoiding the bug where you jump from one ship to another ( [ , ] ) and one falls through the ground. I have experienced this once on the Mun post-patch.)

Here in the Tracking station both landers and the rover lander are listed, but lo and behold, the remote piloted lander now contains Bill, Valentina, and Tim.  I take command of both ships from the Tracking Station to verify.  Yes, all six Kerbals are now on the Mun, fully functional.

The K2 was heavily modified, using 4 Methalox boosters in place of SRBs, and changing how much fuel was in the various stages, as well as sepratrons, parachutes for the booster stages, ladders, moved antenna, removed RCS.  I put the small size Remote Guidance in between the capsule's parachute and capsule body.  I don't think this bug has anything to do with the ship, but rather that the game felt it necessary for some reason to fill those seats in the remote Mun lander, and used the first Kerbals out of the VAB to do it.


MB: Asus Prime z270-K

CPU: Intel i7-7700K @4.2GHz

Sys RAM: 32GB

Gr Card: Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 8GB

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Similar experience:

I'd circumnavigated Minmus with Munus (video below)

Who left his rover on Minmus.

I wanted to try a slightly modified version of the rover on Minmus and, as I was preparing to land, realised I could, with a little effort, do so where Munus had left his rover and so satisfy my curiosity as to how it had faired un-kerbaled for the past few days.

On touchdown How surprised was I to find Mervan sitting in the driver's seat?Minmus%20rover%20Mk2%20touchdown.jpg?raw



Very; I was very surprised. Not a high priority bug I realise, but something you will no doubt want to iron out at some point.

I could wax long and lyrical about all the things I love about this game you're making. Keep up the good work!

Edited by NaughtyMonster
Video didn't embed the first time.
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