hidearimjosh Posted March 21, 2023 Share Posted March 21, 2023 Description of Bug: While In flight, a craft that I had on a separate launch pad began teleporting and remaining fixed in place relative to Kerbin at least a kilometer or two from me. After getting some distance away it would teleport again to a position in front of me resulting in it appearing to fly backwards relative to me. As I sped up, the time between teleportations decreased. Craft was still an active craft and could be clicked on. Both crafts were completely separate vehicles that were at no point connected or separate from each other. Steps to Replicate: Unknown Fixes / Workarounds: Unknown KSP Version: OS: Windows 10 Home edition CPU: Intel i7-9700 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti RAM: 16 GB Mods: none Images: (Image from active craft of teleporting craft in distance) Spoiler (Using the arrow keys I flew my camera while the game was paused over to the ship) Spoiler (Closer photo of craft) Spoiler (Active craft in background) Spoiler (Craft still able to be clicked) Spoiler Log of play session: Spoiler [LOG 13:01:04.163] [System] ******* Log Initiated ******* OS: Windows 10 (10.0.19044) 64bit CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700 CPU @ 3.00GHz (8) RAM: 16237 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti (5979MB) SM: 50 (Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]) RT Formats: ARGB32, Depth, ARGBHalf, Shadowmap, RGB565, ARGB4444, ARGB1555, Default, ARGB2101010, DefaultHDR, ARGB64, ARGBFloat, RGFloat, RGHalf, RFloat, RHalf, R8, ARGBInt, RGInt, RInt, BGRA32, RGB111110Float, RG32, RGBAUShort, RG16, BGRA10101010_XR, BGR101010_XR, R16 Log started: Tue, Mar 21, 2023 13:01:04 [LOG 13:01:04.226] Version Info: [LOG 13:01:04.226] Command Line Args:C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2\KSP2_x64.exe -popupwindow -pduserid=eef134f7-f285-486a-9d4b-99603282290b [LOG 13:01:06.932] [UI] Primary EventSystem Selected: 'GameManager'(instance id: 207686) [LOG 13:01:06.936] [UI] Localization sources updating [LOG 13:01:07.106] [UI] Localization sources updating [LOG 13:01:33.479] [System] Creating Splash Screens Prefab completed in 26.3641s. [LOG 13:01:33.495] [System] Set Loading Optimizations completed in 0.0010s. [LOG 13:01:33.527] [System] Initialize Addressables system completed in 0.0152s. [LOG 13:01:34.135] [System] Creating Game Instance completed in 0.5905s. [ERR 13:01:34.221] AssetProvider unable to find asset of type 'UnityEngine.GameObject' and key of 'ConsoleDebug/ControlButton.prefab'. [ERR 13:01:34.221] AssetProvider unable to find asset of type 'UnityEngine.GameObject' and key of 'ConsoleDebug/ControlNumericField.prefab'. [ERR 13:01:34.221] AssetProvider unable to find asset of type 'UnityEngine.GameObject' and key of 'ConsoleDebug/ControlLabel.prefab'. [ERR 13:01:34.221] AssetProvider unable to find asset of type 'UnityEngine.GameObject' and key of 'ConsoleDebug/ControlDropList.prefab'. [ERR 13:01:34.221] AssetProvider unable to find asset of type 'UnityEngine.GameObject' and key of 'ConsoleDebug/ControlCheckbox.prefab'. [ERR 13:01:34.221] AssetProvider unable to find asset of type 'UnityEngine.GameObject' and key of 'ConsoleDebug/ControlHorizontalSlider.prefab'. [WRN 13:01:34.291] DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects. [LOG 13:01:34.350] WwiseUnity: Wwise(R) SDK Version 2021.1.10 Build 7883. [LOG 13:01:34.363] WwiseUnity: Setting Plugin DLL path to: C:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program 2/KSP2_x64_Data\Plugins\x86_64 [LOG 13:01:34.411] WwiseUnity: Sound engine initialized successfully. [LOG 13:01:34.627] Modlog : Unable to locate the mods directory! [LOG 13:01:34.873] [Authentication] PlatformManager.Instance.GetPlatformAuthentication() returned 14000000123d3442fe771f398ad0464201001001ee761864180000000100000002000000af0fb4e717f9132e091bab0804000000b200000032000000040000008ad0464201001001e2910e00509b76a3509b76a3000000005fed1564df9c31640100a4c00400000000002e6ca24e25c3cd1642049a030d46c71dff8f18b2128701a5a00a1da1b320028659c5540dab2010671d8bca36128b41356630a7474bb34a0db155d85c4e6a204a778754ccd4ea470e0b00e77029b0375563a86c6f11cdf439af738bf05e52c90eb9d1005c2482ae344cb250b18d987fc28c34ef4396c0df86f222ccb4ff881c6b [LOG 13:01:34.971] [Graphics] Screen Resolution set to (0, 1) [LOG 13:01:34.978] [System] Initializing Game Instance completed in 0.7563s. [LOG 13:01:36.506] [Audio] [AkLanguageBankReloader] Current WWise Language is : English [LOG 13:01:36.553] [Audio] [AudioSettings] KSPEventAudioManager about to set audio settings! [LOG 13:01:36.553] [Audio] [AudioSettings] KSPEventAudioManager SetMasterVolume 100 [LOG 13:01:36.554] [Audio] [AudioSettings] KSPEventAudioManager SetMusicVolume 100 [LOG 13:01:36.554] [Audio] [AudioSettings] KSPEventAudioManager SetSFXVolume 100 [LOG 13:01:36.554] [Audio] [AudioSettings] KSPEventAudioManager SetVoiceVolume 100 [LOG 13:01:36.554] [Audio] [AudioSettings] KSPEventAudioManager SetKerbalCommVolume 100 [LOG 13:01:36.554] [Audio] [AudioSettings] KSPEventAudioManager SetAmbienceVolume 100 [LOG 13:01:36.554] [Audio] [AudioSettings] KSPEventAudioManager SetUIVolume 100 [LOG 13:01:36.554] [Debug] [AudioSettings] KSPEventAudioManager audio settings set! [LOG 13:01:38.380] [Authentication]: anonymous login success [WRN 13:01:38.504] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:01:38.504] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:01:38.504] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:01:38.504] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:01:38.505] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:01:38.505] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:01:38.505] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:01:38.505] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:01:38.506] <color=#0099bc><b>DOTWEEN ► </b></color>Max Tweens reached: capacity has automatically been increased from 200/50 to 500/50. Use DOTween.SetTweensCapacity to set it manually at startup [WRN 13:01:38.506] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:01:38.506] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:01:38.508] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:01:38.508] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:01:38.508] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:01:38.508] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:01:38.508] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:01:38.509] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:01:38.671] Backtrace native integration status: Cannot find path to Crashpad handler. [LOG 13:01:38.995] [Graphics] Current Quality Set to Fantastic [WRN 13:01:39.003] RenderTexture.Create: Depth|ShadowMap RenderTexture requested without a depth buffer. Changing to a 16 bit depth buffer. [LOG 13:01:39.007] [System] Creating Graphics Manager completed in 0.4506s. [WRN 13:01:39.009] Adding Blur Command Buffer to camera failed. No active Camera. [WRN 13:01:39.012] Adding Blur Command Buffer to camera failed. No active Camera. [LOG 13:01:39.386] [System] Creating Main Menu completed in 0.3749s. [LOG 13:01:39.387] [System] Load UI Background Scenes completed in 0.0005s. [LOG 13:01:41.246] [UI] Localization sources updating [LOG 13:01:41.267] [System] Parsing Loading Screens completed in 1.8700s. [LOG 13:01:41.268] [System] Set Loading Optimizations completed in 0.0001s. [LOG 13:01:41.280] [General] [State] Swapping game state! prev: [WarmUpLoading] --> new: [MainMenu] [LOG 13:01:41.611] Toggle: CampaignEntryToggle(Clone) changed to: True - CurActive: CampaignEntryToggle(Clone) [WRN 13:01:41.657] Releasing render texture that is set to be RenderTexture.active! [LOG 13:01:44.880] [Authentication] Making a LoginWithSteam API call to PlayFab with auth ticket 14000000123d3442fe771f398ad0464201001001ee761864180000000100000002000000af0fb4e717f9132e091bab0804000000b200000032000000040000008ad0464201001001e2910e00509b76a3509b76a3000000005fed1564df9c31640100a4c00400000000002e6ca24e25c3cd1642049a030d46c71dff8f18b2128701a5a00a1da1b320028659c5540dab2010671d8bca36128b41356630a7474bb34a0db155d85c4e6a204a778754ccd4ea470e0b00e77029b0375563a86c6f11cdf439af738bf05e52c90eb9d1005c2482ae344cb250b18d987fc28c34ef4396c0df86f222ccb4ff881c6b [LOG 13:01:45.116] [Authentication]: Platform login success [LOG 13:03:16.578] Toggle: General changed to: False - CurActive: Audio [LOG 13:03:16.578] Toggle: Audio changed to: True - CurActive: Audio [WRN 13:03:16.583] <color=#0099bc><b>DOTWEEN ► </b></color>Max Tweens reached: capacity has automatically been increased from 500/50 to 1250/50. Use DOTween.SetTweensCapacity to set it manually at startup [WRN 13:03:16.585] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:03:16.585] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:03:16.585] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:03:16.586] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:03:16.586] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:03:16.587] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [WRN 13:03:16.587] Border (1) :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [LOG 13:03:16.590] [Audio] [AudioSettings] AudioSettingsMenu.ApplyAudioListeningMode 3 [LOG 13:03:16.591] [Audio] [AudioSettings] AudioSettingsMenu.ApplyTabAwayAudio True [LOG 13:03:21.177] [Audio] [AudioSettings] AudioSettingsMenu.ApplyMasterVolume 0 [LOG 13:03:21.178] [Audio] [AudioSettings] KSPEventAudioManager SetMasterVolume 0 [LOG 13:05:59.485] [Audio] [AudioSettings] AudioSettingsMenu.ApplyMasterVolume 100 [LOG 13:05:59.486] [Audio] [AudioSettings] KSPEventAudioManager SetMasterVolume 100 [LOG 13:06:06.412] Toggle: Audio changed to: False - CurActive: General [LOG 13:06:06.412] Toggle: General changed to: True - CurActive: General [LOG 13:06:12.745] [System] Deserializing Save File Contents completed in 0.4524s. [LOG 13:06:12.750] [System] Starting... completed in 0.0001s. [LOG 13:06:12.763] [System] Loading session manager data completed in 0.0002s. [LOG 13:06:12.772] [System] Set Loading Optimizations completed in 0.0000s. [LOG 13:06:12.783] [System] Setup local player completed in 0.0006s. [LOG 13:06:12.791] [System] Load Session Guid completed in 0.0003s. [LOG 13:06:13.074] [System] Loading KSP2 mission base completed in 0.2773s. [LOG 13:06:13.099] [System] Load Campaign Players completed in 0.0237s. [LOG 13:06:13.125] [System] Load Agencies completed in 0.0217s. [LOG 13:06:13.131] [System] Load Fixup Player And Agency completed in 0.0008s. [LOG 13:06:13.136] [System] Setup OAB Part Seed Counter completed in 0.0002s. [LOG 13:06:13.146] [System] Unload Main Menu completed in 0.0034s. [LOG 13:06:13.255] [System] Validating Version Number completed in 0.0003s. [LOG 13:06:13.266] [System] Initializing Session Data completed in 0.0086s. [WRN 13:06:13.723] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '') is missing! [LOG 13:06:13.933] [System] Load required assets completed in 0.6599s. [LOG 13:06:13.960] [System] Parsing resource assets completed in 0.0261s. [LOG 13:06:13.967] [General] Resource Definition Database is now frozen; No new resource definitions may be added [LOG 13:06:13.968] [System] Freezing resource definition database completed in 0.0078s. [LOG 13:06:14.005] [System] Parsing procedural part assets completed in 0.0351s. [LOG 13:06:14.006] [General] Procedural Part Definition Database is now frozen; No new procedural part definitions may be added [LOG 13:06:14.006] [System] Freezing procedural part definition database completed in 0.0006s. [LOG 13:06:14.174] [System] Loading Kerbal Prefab Data completed in 0.1588s. [LOG 13:06:14.186] [System] Loading Kerbal Roster Data completed in 0.0086s. [LOG 13:06:14.189] [System] Loading Colony Data completed in 0.0002s. [LOG 13:06:14.192] [System] Setup Properties completed in 0.0006s. [LOG 13:06:14.220] [System] Creating Simulation completed in 0.0186s. [WRN 13:06:14.445] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [WRN 13:06:14.445] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [WRN 13:06:14.450] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [WRN 13:06:14.450] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [WRN 13:06:14.455] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [WRN 13:06:14.456] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [WRN 13:06:14.460] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [WRN 13:06:14.460] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [WRN 13:06:14.464] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [WRN 13:06:14.465] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [LOG 13:06:14.523] [System] Loading Celestial Body Data completed in 0.3010s. [WRN 13:06:14.538] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [WRN 13:06:14.538] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [LOG 13:06:14.541] [System] Parsing interstellar universe completed in 0.0167s. [WRN 13:06:16.095] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [WRN 13:06:16.095] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [WRN 13:06:16.099] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [WRN 13:06:16.100] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [WRN 13:06:16.103] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [WRN 13:06:16.104] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [WRN 13:06:16.107] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [WRN 13:06:16.108] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [WRN 13:06:16.112] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [WRN 13:06:16.112] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [WRN 13:06:16.113] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [LOG 13:06:16.116] [System] Parsing parts text assets completed in 1.5731s. [LOG 13:06:16.195] [System] Creating Celestial Bodies completed in 0.0774s. [LOG 13:06:16.219] [Debug] [Telemetry] [LOG 13:06:16.221] [System] Pumping Sim Once completed in 0.0255s. [LOG 13:06:16.226] [Simulation] [UniverseTime] Time Scale Changed to physics:1.000, multiplier:1.000, universe:1.000 [LOG 13:06:16.230] [System] Creating Universe completed in 0.0057s. [LOG 13:06:16.275] [System] Flight Observer completed in 0.0013s. [LOG 13:06:16.285] [PhysicsSpaceProvider]: Changing Reference Frame to Kerbin celestialFrame [LOG 13:06:16.356] [System] Camera Manager completed in 0.0542s. [WRN 13:06:16.388] Pair Map Already Contains Key: METAL BiomePhysicsMapping Table will use first instance: metal (UnityEngine.PhysicMaterial) [LOG 13:06:16.389] [System] Graphics Manager completed in 0.0314s. [LOG 13:06:16.391] Creating oceanmask texture [LOG 13:06:16.392] Creating ocean underland texture [LOG 13:06:16.426] [System] Time Warp completed in 0.0009s. [LOG 13:06:16.438] [System] Flight Input Manager completed in 0.0092s. [LOG 13:06:16.443] [System] EVA Input Manager completed in 0.0040s. [LOG 13:06:16.447] [System] Spatial Registry Systems completed in 0.0033s. [LOG 13:06:16.541] [System] Parts Manager completed in 0.0929s. [LOG 13:06:16.542] [System] PartsManager-SortIndexData load completed in 0.0003s. [LOG 13:06:17.015] [System] Action Group Manager completed in 0.4629s. [LOG 13:06:17.100] [System] Trip Planner completed in 0.0790s. [LOG 13:06:17.188] [System] Flight Report completed in 0.0861s. [LOG 13:06:17.213] [System] Flag Site completed in 0.0232s. [LOG 13:06:17.517] [System] Resource Manager completed in 0.3026s. [LOG 13:06:17.578] [System] Kerbal Manager completed in 0.0543s. [LOG 13:06:17.606] [System] Aero GUI completed in 0.0267s. [LOG 13:06:17.608] [System] Creating ViewController completed in 1.3686s. [LOG 13:06:17.622] [System] Pumping Sim Once completed in 0.0024s. [LOG 13:06:17.640] [Debug] Loading Scaled Space Kerbol... [LOG 13:06:17.719] [Lighting] Adding FLIGHT lighting data: Kerbol [LOG 13:06:17.720] [Debug] Kerbol - Scaled-Space Load Finished. 0.0666s [LOG 13:06:17.724] [Debug] Loading Scaled Space Kerbin... [LOG 13:06:17.725] [Debug] Loading Local Space Kerbin... [LOG 13:06:18.784] [Lighting] Adding FLIGHT lighting data: Kerbin [WRN 13:06:18.785] [Debug] FindSimObjectByNameKey() called with null or empty name key! Returning null! [LOG 13:06:18.788] [Debug] Kerbin - Scaled-Space Load Finished. 1.0323s [WRN 13:06:23.506] Searching for all known IShaderControllers for KSP2/Environment/Scatter/Scatter_Instanced_Indirect_AlphaTest (this is slow) [WRN 13:06:23.528] Using DefaultShaderController for KSP2/Environment/Scatter/Scatter_Instanced_Indirect_AlphaTest [LOG 13:06:23.770] [Debug] Kerbin - Local-Space Load Finished. 3.7712s [WRN 13:06:31.877] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_astronautcomplex" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.877] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_astronautcomplex" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.877] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_astronautcomplex" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.881] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_trackingcenter" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.881] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_trackingcenter" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.881] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_trackingcenter" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.882] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_trainingcenter" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.882] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_trainingcenter" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.882] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_trainingcenter" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.883] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_vab" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.883] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_vab" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.883] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_vab" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.884] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_airtraffic" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.884] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_airtraffic" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.884] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_airtraffic" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.884] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_researchcenter" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.885] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_researchcenter" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.885] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_researchcenter" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.893] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_roads_runway_A" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.893] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_roads_runway_A" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.894] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_roads_runway_A" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.894] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_roads_runway_B" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.894] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_roads_runway_B" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.894] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_roads_runway_B" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.900] key set on UIValueBinder "LC_Flametrench" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.900] key set on UIValueBinder "LC_Flametrench" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.900] key set on UIValueBinder "LC_Flametrench" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.905] key set on UIValueBinder "LC_Flametrench" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.905] key set on UIValueBinder "LC_Flametrench" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.905] key set on UIValueBinder "LC_Flametrench" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.908] key set on UIValueBinder "LC_Flametrench" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.908] key set on UIValueBinder "LC_Flametrench" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.908] key set on UIValueBinder "LC_Flametrench" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.911] key set on UIValueBinder "LC_Flametrench" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.911] key set on UIValueBinder "LC_Flametrench" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.911] key set on UIValueBinder "LC_Flametrench" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.911] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_dock" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.911] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_dock" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:31.912] key set on UIValueBinder "ksc_campus_dock" but could not locate bind root [WRN 13:06:32.129] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_main01" [WRN 13:06:32.129] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_main02" [WRN 13:06:32.130] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_main03" [WRN 13:06:32.130] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_main04" [WRN 13:06:32.131] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_main05" [WRN 13:06:32.131] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_main06" [WRN 13:06:32.131] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_main07" [WRN 13:06:32.132] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_main08" [WRN 13:06:32.132] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_main09" [WRN 13:06:32.132] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_main10" [WRN 13:06:32.140] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_ramp01" [WRN 13:06:32.140] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_ramp02" [WRN 13:06:32.141] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_bridge01" [WRN 13:06:32.141] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_bridge02" [WRN 13:06:32.141] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_bridgerail01" [WRN 13:06:32.142] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_bridgerail02" [WRN 13:06:32.142] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_bridgerail03" [WRN 13:06:32.142] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_bridgerail04" [WRN 13:06:32.143] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_tower01" [WRN 13:06:32.143] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_tower02" [WRN 13:06:32.143] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_tower03" [WRN 13:06:32.143] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_tower04" [WRN 13:06:32.144] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_tower05" [WRN 13:06:32.144] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_tower06" [WRN 13:06:32.144] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_tower07" [WRN 13:06:32.144] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_tower08" [WRN 13:06:32.145] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar01" [WRN 13:06:32.145] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar02" [WRN 13:06:32.145] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar03" [WRN 13:06:32.145] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar04" [WRN 13:06:32.146] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar05" [WRN 13:06:32.146] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar06" [WRN 13:06:32.146] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar07" [WRN 13:06:32.146] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar08" [WRN 13:06:32.147] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar09" [WRN 13:06:32.147] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar10" [WRN 13:06:32.147] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar11" [WRN 13:06:32.147] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar12" [WRN 13:06:32.148] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar13" [WRN 13:06:32.148] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar14" [WRN 13:06:32.148] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar01 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.149] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar02 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.149] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar03 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.149] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar04 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.149] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar05 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.150] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar06 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.150] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar07 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.150] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar08 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.150] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar09 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.151] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar10 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.151] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar11 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.151] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar12 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.151] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar13 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.151] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillar14 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.151] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_curb01" [WRN 13:06:32.152] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_curb01 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.152] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_curb01 (2)" [WRN 13:06:32.152] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_curb01 (3)" [WRN 13:06:32.152] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_curb01 (4)" [WRN 13:06:32.153] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_curb01 (5)" [WRN 13:06:32.153] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_curb01 (6)" [WRN 13:06:32.153] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_curb01 (7)" [WRN 13:06:32.153] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_booth01" [WRN 13:06:32.154] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_booth01 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.156] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_bollard01" [WRN 13:06:32.156] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.156] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (2)" [WRN 13:06:32.157] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (3)" [WRN 13:06:32.157] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_ticketbox01" [WRN 13:06:32.157] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_ticketbox01 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.157] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_stairs01" [WRN 13:06:32.158] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_stairs01 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.158] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_stairs01 (2)" [WRN 13:06:32.158] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_stairs01 (3)" [WRN 13:06:32.159] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_stairs01 (4)" [WRN 13:06:32.159] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_stairs01 (5)" [WRN 13:06:32.159] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarsmall01" [WRN 13:06:32.159] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarsmall01 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.160] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarsmall01 (2)" [WRN 13:06:32.160] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarsmall01 (3)" [WRN 13:06:32.160] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarsmall01 (4)" [WRN 13:06:32.161] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarsmall01 (5)" [WRN 13:06:32.161] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarsmall01 (6)" [WRN 13:06:32.161] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail01" [WRN 13:06:32.162] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail01 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.162] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail01 (2)" [WRN 13:06:32.162] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail01 (3)" [WRN 13:06:32.162] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01" [WRN 13:06:32.163] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.163] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (2)" [WRN 13:06:32.163] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (3)" [WRN 13:06:32.163] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (4)" [WRN 13:06:32.164] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (5)" [WRN 13:06:32.164] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (6)" [WRN 13:06:32.164] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (7)" [WRN 13:06:32.164] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (8)" [WRN 13:06:32.165] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (9)" [WRN 13:06:32.165] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (10)" [WRN 13:06:32.166] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (11)" [WRN 13:06:32.167] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (12)" [WRN 13:06:32.167] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (13)" [WRN 13:06:32.168] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (14)" [WRN 13:06:32.168] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (15)" [WRN 13:06:32.168] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (16)" [WRN 13:06:32.168] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (17)" [WRN 13:06:32.169] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (18)" [WRN 13:06:32.169] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (19)" [WRN 13:06:32.169] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (20)" [WRN 13:06:32.169] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (21)" [WRN 13:06:32.170] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (22)" [WRN 13:06:32.170] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (23)" [WRN 13:06:32.170] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (24)" [WRN 13:06:32.171] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (25)" [WRN 13:06:32.171] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (26)" [WRN 13:06:32.171] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (27)" [WRN 13:06:32.171] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (28)" [WRN 13:06:32.172] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (29)" [WRN 13:06:32.172] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (30)" [WRN 13:06:32.172] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (31)" [WRN 13:06:32.173] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (32)" [WRN 13:06:32.173] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (33)" [WRN 13:06:32.173] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (34)" [WRN 13:06:32.173] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (35)" [WRN 13:06:32.174] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (36)" [WRN 13:06:32.174] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (37)" [WRN 13:06:32.174] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (38)" [WRN 13:06:32.174] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (39)" [WRN 13:06:32.175] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (40)" [WRN 13:06:32.175] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (41)" [WRN 13:06:32.175] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (42)" [WRN 13:06:32.175] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (43)" [WRN 13:06:32.176] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (44)" [WRN 13:06:32.176] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (45)" [WRN 13:06:32.177] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (46)" [WRN 13:06:32.177] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (47)" [WRN 13:06:32.177] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (48)" [WRN 13:06:32.177] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (49)" [WRN 13:06:32.178] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (50)" [WRN 13:06:32.178] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (51)" [WRN 13:06:32.178] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (52)" [WRN 13:06:32.178] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (53)" [WRN 13:06:32.179] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (54)" [WRN 13:06:32.179] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (55)" [WRN 13:06:32.179] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (56)" [WRN 13:06:32.180] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (57)" [WRN 13:06:32.180] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (58)" [WRN 13:06:32.180] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (59)" [WRN 13:06:32.180] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (60)" [WRN 13:06:32.180] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (61)" [WRN 13:06:32.181] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (62)" [WRN 13:06:32.181] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_pillarinterior01 (63)" [WRN 13:06:32.181] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail01" [WRN 13:06:32.182] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail02" [WRN 13:06:32.182] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail02 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.182] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail02 (2)" [WRN 13:06:32.182] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail02 (3)" [WRN 13:06:32.183] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail02 (4)" [WRN 13:06:32.183] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail02 (5)" [WRN 13:06:32.183] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail02 (6)" [WRN 13:06:32.183] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail02 (7)" [WRN 13:06:32.184] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail02 (8)" [WRN 13:06:32.184] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail02 (9)" [WRN 13:06:32.184] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail02 (10)" [WRN 13:06:32.184] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail02 (11)" [WRN 13:06:32.185] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail02 (12)" [WRN 13:06:32.185] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail02 (13)" [WRN 13:06:32.189] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail02 (14)" [WRN 13:06:32.189] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail02 (15)" [WRN 13:06:32.189] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/Campus/ksc_campus/buildings_generic/ksc_campus_generic_parking (1)/model/collision/col_box_rail02 (16)" [WRN 13:06:32.190] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_slab01" [WRN 13:06:32.190] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01" [WRN 13:06:32.190] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.191] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (2)" [WRN 13:06:32.191] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (3)" [WRN 13:06:32.191] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (4)" [WRN 13:06:32.192] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (5)" [WRN 13:06:32.192] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (6)" [WRN 13:06:32.192] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (7)" [WRN 13:06:32.192] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_curb01" [WRN 13:06:32.192] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_curb01 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.193] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_curb01 (2)" [WRN 13:06:32.193] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_curb01 (3)" [WRN 13:06:32.193] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01" [WRN 13:06:32.194] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.194] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (2)" [WRN 13:06:32.194] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (3)" [WRN 13:06:32.195] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (4)" [WRN 13:06:32.195] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (5)" [WRN 13:06:32.195] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (6)" [WRN 13:06:32.195] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (7)" [WRN 13:06:32.196] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (8)" [WRN 13:06:32.196] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 01/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (9)" [WRN 13:06:32.196] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_slab01" [WRN 13:06:32.196] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01" [WRN 13:06:32.197] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.197] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (2)" [WRN 13:06:32.197] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (3)" [WRN 13:06:32.197] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (4)" [WRN 13:06:32.198] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (5)" [WRN 13:06:32.198] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (6)" [WRN 13:06:32.198] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (7)" [WRN 13:06:32.199] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_curb01" [WRN 13:06:32.204] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_curb01 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.204] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_curb01 (2)" [WRN 13:06:32.204] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_curb01 (3)" [WRN 13:06:32.204] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01" [WRN 13:06:32.205] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.205] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (2)" [WRN 13:06:32.205] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (3)" [WRN 13:06:32.205] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (4)" [WRN 13:06:32.206] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (5)" [WRN 13:06:32.206] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (6)" [WRN 13:06:32.206] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (7)" [WRN 13:06:32.207] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (8)" [WRN 13:06:32.207] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 02/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (9)" [WRN 13:06:32.207] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_slab01" [WRN 13:06:32.207] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01" [WRN 13:06:32.208] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.208] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (2)" [WRN 13:06:32.208] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (3)" [WRN 13:06:32.208] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (4)" [WRN 13:06:32.209] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (5)" [WRN 13:06:32.209] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (6)" [WRN 13:06:32.209] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (7)" [WRN 13:06:32.209] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_curb01" [WRN 13:06:32.210] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_curb01 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.210] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_curb01 (2)" [WRN 13:06:32.210] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_curb01 (3)" [WRN 13:06:32.211] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01" [WRN 13:06:32.211] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.211] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (2)" [WRN 13:06:32.211] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (3)" [WRN 13:06:32.211] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (4)" [WRN 13:06:32.212] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (5)" [WRN 13:06:32.212] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (6)" [WRN 13:06:32.212] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (7)" [WRN 13:06:32.212] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (8)" [WRN 13:06:32.213] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 03/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (9)" [WRN 13:06:32.217] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_slab01" [WRN 13:06:32.217] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01" [WRN 13:06:32.217] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.218] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (2)" [WRN 13:06:32.218] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (3)" [WRN 13:06:32.218] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (4)" [WRN 13:06:32.218] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (5)" [WRN 13:06:32.219] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (6)" [WRN 13:06:32.219] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_bollard01 (7)" [WRN 13:06:32.219] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_curb01" [WRN 13:06:32.219] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_curb01 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.220] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_curb01 (2)" [WRN 13:06:32.220] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_curb01 (3)" [WRN 13:06:32.220] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01" [WRN 13:06:32.220] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (1)" [WRN 13:06:32.221] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (2)" [WRN 13:06:32.221] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (3)" [WRN 13:06:32.222] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (4)" [WRN 13:06:32.222] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (5)" [WRN 13:06:32.222] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (6)" [WRN 13:06:32.222] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (7)" [WRN 13:06:32.223] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (8)" [WRN 13:06:32.223] BoxColliders does not support negative scale or size. The effective box size has been forced positive and is likely to give unexpected collision geometry. If you absolutely need to use negative scaling you can use the convex MeshCollider. Scene hierarchy path "#PhysicsSpace/#Celestial/4bed9845-b229-4c15-a3c0-4afaead04977_Proxy/KSC - Updated(Clone)/Space Center/LaunchPad 04/ksc_launch/ksc_launch_tank_liquidoxygen/model/collision/col_box_legbase01 (9)" [WRN 13:06:32.265] [Debug] FindSimObjectByNameKey() called with null or empty name key! Returning null! [WRN 13:06:32.266] [Debug] FindSimObjectByNameKey() called with null or empty name key! Returning null! [LOG 13:06:32.274] [System] Spawning initial local-space body... completed in 14.6357s. [LOG 13:06:33.221] [System] Loading Map Core completed in 0.8739s. [WRN 13:06:33.293] AccordionToggle :: This DOTweenAnimation's target/GameObject is unset: the tween will not be created. [LOG 13:06:33.303] [System] Loading Map Systems completed in 0.9567s. [LOG 13:06:33.358] [System] Loading UI Assets completed in 0.0196s. [LOG 13:06:33.373] [System] Loading Flight Hud completed in 0.0150s. [LOG 13:06:33.390] [System] Loading KSC Menu completed in 0.0162s. [LOG 13:06:33.407] [System] Loading UI Toolkit completed in 0.0157s. [LOG 13:06:33.489] [System] Loading UI Manager completed in 0.1514s. [LOG 13:06:33.707] [System] Loading KSP2 missions completed in 0.1700s. [LOG 13:06:33.708] [System] Setting Universe State completed in 0.0002s. [LOG 13:06:33.728] [Flight] [Vessel][CommandEntry] speedMode changed from Orbit to Surface [LOG 13:06:33.876] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>edfdf92a-91ca-4680-a2ec-3623d30411da>bottom attached to Node >1a6b5e41-f0e0-442a-bf48-33fe789747a6 [LOG 13:06:33.877] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>edfdf92a-91ca-4680-a2ec-3623d30411da>top attached to Node >3d972d14-32bb-41ed-bfd8-e4b4fca2c7f2 [LOG 13:06:33.878] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>e2b0d85f-6ed0-42b9-b2d5-47d8fdb0ac17>srfAttach attached to Part 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845 without node [LOG 13:06:33.878] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>74c7082e-30d8-4013-9054-8195c25c151c>srfAttach attached to Part 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845 without node [LOG 13:06:33.879] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>a14d76e6-29c1-483a-90a2-e31305b49228>srfAttach attached to Part 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845 without node [LOG 13:06:33.880] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>a2413ca8-09b5-4fa2-8900-77bf81fa20d9>srfAttach attached to Part 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845 without node [LOG 13:06:33.880] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>3d972d14-32bb-41ed-bfd8-e4b4fca2c7f2>bottom attached to Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>edfdf92a-91ca-4680-a2ec-3623d30411da [LOG 13:06:33.881] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>1a6b5e41-f0e0-442a-bf48-33fe789747a6>bottom attached to Node >4a594fa0-cee7-43b5-8797-190c9e438f90 [LOG 13:06:33.881] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>1a6b5e41-f0e0-442a-bf48-33fe789747a6>top attached to Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>edfdf92a-91ca-4680-a2ec-3623d30411da [LOG 13:06:33.882] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>4a594fa0-cee7-43b5-8797-190c9e438f90>top attached to Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>1a6b5e41-f0e0-442a-bf48-33fe789747a6 [LOG 13:06:33.882] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>4a594fa0-cee7-43b5-8797-190c9e438f90>bottom attached to Node >78330056-06ce-4c7c-988e-7ebbd6f0d19c [LOG 13:06:33.882] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>78330056-06ce-4c7c-988e-7ebbd6f0d19c>top attached to Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>4a594fa0-cee7-43b5-8797-190c9e438f90 [LOG 13:06:33.883] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>78330056-06ce-4c7c-988e-7ebbd6f0d19c>bottom attached to Node >8d0c212c-f6b8-4ac0-9ec8-97af3fef5111 [LOG 13:06:33.883] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>8d0c212c-f6b8-4ac0-9ec8-97af3fef5111>top attached to Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>78330056-06ce-4c7c-988e-7ebbd6f0d19c [LOG 13:06:33.883] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>8d0c212c-f6b8-4ac0-9ec8-97af3fef5111>bottom attached to Node >1bac60cc-1e3a-4daf-b158-238fb6f2a5c3 [LOG 13:06:33.883] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>1bac60cc-1e3a-4daf-b158-238fb6f2a5c3>bottom attached to Node >1e7d4277-d634-4f5a-b090-cf9c3d80e7b4 [LOG 13:06:33.884] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>1bac60cc-1e3a-4daf-b158-238fb6f2a5c3>top attached to Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>8d0c212c-f6b8-4ac0-9ec8-97af3fef5111 [LOG 13:06:33.886] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>1e7d4277-d634-4f5a-b090-cf9c3d80e7b4>top attached to Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>1bac60cc-1e3a-4daf-b158-238fb6f2a5c3 [LOG 13:06:33.887] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>1e7d4277-d634-4f5a-b090-cf9c3d80e7b4>bottom attached to Node >80bef1ee-3f76-4d81-b447-975288cea164 [LOG 13:06:33.887] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>80bef1ee-3f76-4d81-b447-975288cea164>top attached to Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>1e7d4277-d634-4f5a-b090-cf9c3d80e7b4 [LOG 13:06:33.887] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>80bef1ee-3f76-4d81-b447-975288cea164>bottom attached to Node >ebb519ee-8042-475e-b7fe-91b51c6af116 [LOG 13:06:33.888] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>ebb519ee-8042-475e-b7fe-91b51c6af116>top attached to Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>80bef1ee-3f76-4d81-b447-975288cea164 [LOG 13:06:33.888] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>ebb519ee-8042-475e-b7fe-91b51c6af116>bottom attached to Node >8d380a18-e819-43a4-b6ef-1247c2e9ddfb [LOG 13:06:33.888] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>8d380a18-e819-43a4-b6ef-1247c2e9ddfb>bottom attached to Node >9ea62529-e433-486a-8a37-c989fbb49790 [LOG 13:06:33.889] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>8d380a18-e819-43a4-b6ef-1247c2e9ddfb>top attached to Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>ebb519ee-8042-475e-b7fe-91b51c6af116 [LOG 13:06:33.889] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>9ea62529-e433-486a-8a37-c989fbb49790>top attached to Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>8d380a18-e819-43a4-b6ef-1247c2e9ddfb [LOG 13:06:33.889] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>9ea62529-e433-486a-8a37-c989fbb49790>bottom attached to Node >d553b112-5162-4011-a83c-f229f4d49089 [LOG 13:06:33.890] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>d553b112-5162-4011-a83c-f229f4d49089>top attached to Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>9ea62529-e433-486a-8a37-c989fbb49790 [LOG 13:06:33.890] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>d553b112-5162-4011-a83c-f229f4d49089>bottom attached to Node >cc214f4b-7ec1-49cc-9b7b-0655c18fc58d [LOG 13:06:33.890] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>cc214f4b-7ec1-49cc-9b7b-0655c18fc58d>top attached to Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>d553b112-5162-4011-a83c-f229f4d49089 [LOG 13:06:33.891] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>78a85c0a-b24e-4f1e-bc82-abaf209dadd3>srfAttach attached to Part 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845 without node [LOG 13:06:33.891] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>cc67a161-a410-4de5-820a-3a5da54f3ed1>srfAttach attached to Part 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845 without node [LOG 13:06:33.892] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>1fa76004-9604-4d63-bccc-e9b3e4bddf5b>srfAttach attached to Part 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845 without node [LOG 13:06:33.892] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>74492907-393a-4201-a660-aced255d8906>srfAttach attached to Part 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845 without node [LOG 13:06:33.893] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>0e2576b4-ae4b-4563-82d2-82804b2b6c2a>srfAttach attached to Part 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845 without node [LOG 13:06:33.893] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>2e941e0a-e226-4160-9e6d-b77256af40ad>srfAttach attached to Part 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845 without node [LOG 13:06:33.894] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>4357a7c1-952a-42f6-8c9b-d0b20b4a1deb>srfAttach attached to Part 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845 without node [LOG 13:06:33.894] [Simulation] Attachment Node 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845>bde31927-3f14-4bfd-9419-763001f72e27>srfAttach attached to Part 5eb6d7cb-6b6b-45b9-b1ea-f274fd752845 without node [LOG 13:06:33.897] [Simulation] [Staging][CommandEntry]<752845>: Injecting new StagingState... [LOG 13:06:33.911] [Flight] [Vessel][CommandEntry]<752845>: altimeterMode changed from SeaLevel to GroundLevel [LOG 13:06:33.937] [General] [State] Swapping game state! prev: [MainMenu] --> new: [KerbalSpaceCenter] [LOG 13:06:33.940] [Camera] Setting camera to ID Flight [LOG 13:06:33.959] [System] Creating Vessel completed in 0.2353s. [LOG 13:06:34.179] [PhysicsSpaceProvider]: Changing Reference Frame to Kerbin bodyFrame [LOG 13:06:34.208] [General] [State] Swapping game state! prev: [KerbalSpaceCenter] --> new: [Loading] [LOG 13:06:34.216] [General] [State] Swapping game state! prev: [Loading] --> new: [KerbalSpaceCenter] [LOG 13:06:34.216] [Camera] Setting camera to ID Flight [LOG 13:06:34.228] [System] Set Active Vessel for Local Player completed in 0.0204s. [LOG 13:06:34.576] Setting textures from shader [WRN 13:06:35.416] [UI] Failed to add instrument to UIFlightHud's internal tracking - any management of the instrument through the UIFlightHud API will fail [LOG 13:06:35.591] [System] Loading Travel Log Data completed in 0.0028s. [LOG 13:06:36.408] [System] Pumping Sim Once completed in 0.0414s. [WRN 13:06:38.041] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '') is missing! [WRN 13:06:38.068] The referenced script (Unknown) on this Behaviour is missing! [WRN 13:06:38.381] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'OAB') is missing! [WRN 13:06:41.991] The referenced script (KSP.OAB.OABPrefabCreator) on this Behaviour is missing! [WRN 13:06:41.992] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'OAB') is missing! [WRN 13:06:41.992] The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'OAB') is missing! [WRN 13:06:42.058] [UI] IndicatorProvider the tag: OABSort , has already been registered, it will not be registered again [WRN 13:06:42.059] [UI] IndicatorProvider the tag: OAB-PartsPicker-SortDropdown , has already been registered, it will not be registered again [LOG 13:06:42.099] [System] Loading dashboard for the user completed in 4.8464s. [WRN 13:06:42.242] [Debug] Could not find type with the name 'ModuleLiftingSurface' in KSP Assembly [WRN 13:06:42.354] [Debug] Could not find type with the name 'ModuleAnimateHeat' in KSP Assembly [WRN 13:06:42.387] [Debug] Could not find type with the name 'LaunchClamp' in KSP Assembly [WRN 13:06:42.390] [Debug] Could not find type with the name 'ModuleGenerator' in KSP Assembly [WRN 13:06:42.846] [Debug] Could not find type with the name 'ModuleLinkedMesh' in KSP Assembly [WRN 13:06:42.847] [Debug] Could not find type with the name 'ModuleStrut' in KSP Assembly [WRN 13:06:42.876] [Debug] Could not find type with the name 'ModuleDeployableSolarPanel' in KSP Assembly [LOG 13:06:43.048] [VAB] Changed current tool to KSP.OAB.ObjectAssemblyPlacementTool [LOG 13:06:43.109] [General] [State] Swapping game state! prev: [KerbalSpaceCenter] --> new: [VehicleAssemblyBuilder] [LOG 13:06:43.109] [Camera] Setting camera to ID None [WRN 13:06:43.149] <color=#0099bc><b>DOTWEEN ► </b></color>Max Tweens reached: capacity has automatically been increased from 1250/50 to 3125/50. Use DOTween.SetTweensCapacity to set it manually at startup [LOG 13:06:43.251] [Camera] Setting camera to ID None [LOG 13:06:43.251] [System] Setting Camera State completed in 0.0008s. [LOG 13:06:43.533] [VAB] New stage created at index 0 vessel staging index 1 [LOG 13:06:43.625] [VAB] New stage created at index 1 vessel staging index 2 [LOG 13:06:43.629] [VAB] New stage created at index 2 vessel staging index 3 [LOG 13:06:43.762] [System] Starting Sim completed in 0.0000s. [LOG 13:06:43.860] [Debug] Observer Reference Body difference detected. Observer: Kerbin, Loaded:NULL [LOG 13:06:43.861] [Debug] Loading Scaled Space Mun... [LOG 13:06:43.861] [Debug] Loading Scaled Space Minmus... [LOG 13:06:43.868] [Flight] [Vessel][CommandEntry] AutoPilotSASMode changed from False to True [LOG 13:06:43.875] [System] Pumping Sim Once completed in 0.0008s. [LOG 13:06:43.940] [System] Applying flight control state completed in 0.0008s. [WRN 13:06:43.960] Internal: JobTempAlloc has allocations that are more than 4 frames old - this is not allowed and likely a leak [LOG 13:06:44.183] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.211] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.223] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.236] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.380] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.382] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.385] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.386] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.389] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.391] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.395] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.395] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.476] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.477] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.562] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.562] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.783] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.785] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.788] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.789] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.792] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.792] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.899] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.914] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.923] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:44.951] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [WRN 13:06:44.980] [Debug] Previous proximity load/unload sweep is still running. Skipping this sweep... [LOG 13:06:45.101] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.101] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.101] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.272] [Lighting] Adding FLIGHT lighting data: Mun [LOG 13:06:45.272] [Debug] Mun - Scaled-Space Load Finished. 1.3069s [LOG 13:06:45.281] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.282] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.291] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.292] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.299] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.301] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.308] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.309] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.333] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:45.334] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:45.377] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.386] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.582] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.583] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.585] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.586] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:45.587] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.587] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:45.631] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.632] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.632] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:45.633] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.633] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.634] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:45.635] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.636] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:45.636] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:45.844] [Lighting] Adding FLIGHT lighting data: Minmus [LOG 13:06:45.844] [Debug] Minmus - Scaled-Space Load Finished. 1.8635s [LOG 13:06:45.847] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [WRN 13:06:45.848] [Simulation] Part 4a594fa0-cee7-43b5-8797-190c9e438f90 has no node with ID dynamic_floating [ERR 13:06:45.863] [Debug] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at KSP.Modules.Module_CargoBay.SetupDynamicCargoOccluders (System.Boolean testActive) [0x00023] in <661463f476824bc5b21937f8da6297a2>:0 at KSP.Modules.Module_CargoBay.EnableShieldedVolume () [0x0002d] in <661463f476824bc5b21937f8da6297a2>:0 at KSP.Modules.Module_CargoBay.OnStartFinished () [0x00006] in <661463f476824bc5b21937f8da6297a2>:0 at KSP.Modules.Module_CargoBay.OnInitialize () [0x000fb] in <661463f476824bc5b21937f8da6297a2>:0 at KSP.Sim.Definitions.PartBehaviourModule.Init () [0x0009f] in <661463f476824bc5b21937f8da6297a2>:0 at KSP.Sim.impl.PartBehavior.Start () [0x000e9] in <661463f476824bc5b21937f8da6297a2>:0 [LOG 13:06:45.883] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:45.973] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.974] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.974] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:45.975] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [WRN 13:06:45.985] [Debug] Previous proximity load/unload sweep is still running. Skipping this sweep... [LOG 13:06:46.084] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:46.086] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:46.087] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:46.087] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:46.088] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:46.088] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:46.088] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:46.191] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:46.191] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:46.192] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:46.192] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:46.193] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:46.202] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:46.221] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:46.226] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:46.232] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:46.234] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:46.235] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:46.235] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:46.236] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:46.236] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:46.237] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:46.237] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:46.237] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:46.251] [Physics] Couldn't find override drag cube or drag module data to calculate bounds for buoyant part 'launchclamp_3v_ground'. Make sure Part has a drag module and/or an override cube if desired [LOG 13:06:46.252] [Physics] Couldn't find override drag cube or drag module data to calculate bounds for buoyant part 'launchclamp_3v_ground'. Make sure Part has a drag module and/or an override cube if desired [LOG 13:06:46.252] [Physics] Couldn't find override drag cube or drag module data to calculate bounds for buoyant part 'launchclamp_3v_ground'. Make sure Part has a drag module and/or an override cube if desired [LOG 13:06:46.252] [Physics] Couldn't find override drag cube or drag module data to calculate bounds for buoyant part 'launchclamp_3v_ground'. Make sure Part has a drag module and/or an override cube if desired [LOG 13:06:46.272] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:46.272] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:06:46.273] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:46.273] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:06:46.384] [System] Applying legacy module data to vessel parts completed in 2.3634s. [LOG 13:06:46.411] [System] Load Planted Flags completed in 0.0002s. [LOG 13:06:46.554] [System] Wait for async handles completed in 0.0049s. [LOG 13:06:46.576] [System] Load Done completed in 0.0003s. [LOG 13:06:46.619] [System] Set Loading Optimizations completed in 0.0286s. [LOG 13:06:46.640] [ProceduralPart Mass Modifier] Part:fin_0v_procedural(Clone) Volume:0.321636 Base Mass:0.0028 Density:0.12 [LOG 13:06:46.645] [ProceduralPart Mass Modifier] Part:fin_0v_procedural(Clone) Volume:0.321636 Base Mass:0.0028 Density:0.12 [LOG 13:06:46.669] [ProceduralPart Mass Modifier] Part:fin_0v_procedural(Clone) Volume:0.3216361 Base Mass:0.0028 Density:0.12 [LOG 13:06:46.674] [ProceduralPart Mass Modifier] Part:fin_0v_procedural(Clone) Volume:0.3216361 Base Mass:0.0028 Density:0.12 [LOG 13:06:46.697] [ProceduralPart Mass Modifier] Part:fin_0v_procedural(Clone) Volume:0.09123138 Base Mass:0.0028 Density:0.12 [LOG 13:06:46.703] [ProceduralPart Mass Modifier] Part:fin_0v_procedural(Clone) Volume:0.09123138 Base Mass:0.0028 Density:0.12 [LOG 13:06:46.730] [ProceduralPart Mass Modifier] Part:fin_0v_procedural(Clone) Volume:0.09123127 Base Mass:0.0028 Density:0.12 [LOG 13:06:46.738] [ProceduralPart Mass Modifier] Part:fin_0v_procedural(Clone) Volume:0.09123127 Base Mass:0.0028 Density:0.12 [LOG 13:06:46.774] [System] Ending... completed in 0.0001s. [LOG 13:06:46.809] [ProceduralPart Mass Modifier] Part:controlsurface_1v_procedural_light.prefab_78a85c0a-b24e-4f1e-bc82-abaf209dadd3 Volume:0.9388658 Base Mass:0.13 Density:0.1375 [LOG 13:06:46.817] [ProceduralPart Mass Modifier] Part:controlsurface_1v_procedural_light.prefab_78a85c0a-b24e-4f1e-bc82-abaf209dadd3 Volume:0.9388658 Base Mass:0.13 Density:0.1375 [LOG 13:06:46.830] [ProceduralPart Mass Modifier] Part:controlsurface_1v_procedural_light.prefab_cc67a161-a410-4de5-820a-3a5da54f3ed1 Volume:0.938881 Base Mass:0.13 Density:0.1375 [LOG 13:06:46.841] [ProceduralPart Mass Modifier] Part:controlsurface_1v_procedural_light.prefab_cc67a161-a410-4de5-820a-3a5da54f3ed1 Volume:0.938881 Base Mass:0.13 Density:0.1375 [LOG 13:06:46.867] [ProceduralPart Mass Modifier] Part:controlsurface_1v_procedural_light.prefab_1fa76004-9604-4d63-bccc-e9b3e4bddf5b Volume:0.9388668 Base Mass:0.13 Density:0.1375 [LOG 13:06:46.875] [ProceduralPart Mass Modifier] Part:controlsurface_1v_procedural_light.prefab_1fa76004-9604-4d63-bccc-e9b3e4bddf5b Volume:0.9388668 Base Mass:0.13 Density:0.1375 [LOG 13:06:46.884] [ProceduralPart Mass Modifier] Part:controlsurface_1v_procedural_light.prefab_74492907-393a-4201-a660-aced255d8906 Volume:0.9388779 Base Mass:0.13 Density:0.1375 [LOG 13:06:46.893] [ProceduralPart Mass Modifier] Part:controlsurface_1v_procedural_light.prefab_74492907-393a-4201-a660-aced255d8906 Volume:0.9388779 Base Mass:0.13 Density:0.1375 [LOG 13:06:46.916] [Debug] [SaveLoadManager]: Loading succeeded [34.63s]. [LOG 13:06:47.482] [StageInfo]: Decoupler decoupler_0v_inline-a4dd67c8-8aa2-43d9-ae64-9364a18638e7 facing away from parent. Was set to stage 1 now set to parent inverse stage 0 [WRN 13:07:05.008] Releasing render texture that is set to be RenderTexture.active! [WRN 13:07:05.050] Releasing render texture that is set to be RenderTexture.active! [WRN 13:07:05.092] Releasing render texture that is set to be RenderTexture.active! [WRN 13:07:05.129] Releasing render texture that is set to be RenderTexture.active! [WRN 13:07:05.172] Releasing render texture that is set to be RenderTexture.active! [WRN 13:07:05.212] Releasing render texture that is set to be RenderTexture.active! [WRN 13:07:05.251] Releasing render texture that is set to be RenderTexture.active! [WRN 13:07:05.292] Releasing render texture that is set to be RenderTexture.active! [LOG 13:07:09.651] Toggle: OABSaveFileEntry(Clone) changed to: True - CurActive: OABSaveFileEntry(Clone) [LOG 13:07:12.089] [VAB] Loading entry named New Workspace [LOG 13:07:12.224] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:12.225] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:12.240] [VAB] New stage created at index 0 vessel staging index 1 [LOG 13:07:12.241] [VAB] New stage created at index 1 vessel staging index 2 [LOG 13:07:12.250] [VAB] New stage created at index 2 vessel staging index 3 [LOG 13:07:12.260] [VAB] New stage created at index 3 vessel staging index 4 [LOG 13:07:12.274] [VAB] New stage created at index 4 vessel staging index 5 [LOG 13:07:12.379] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:12.380] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:12.384] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:12.384] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:12.388] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:12.388] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:12.392] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:12.393] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:12.410] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:12.511] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:12.544] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:12.544] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:12.544] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:12.590] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:12.591] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:12.591] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:35.752] [System] Collecting vessel data for serialization completed in 0.0078s. [LOG 13:07:35.767] [System] Saving session manager completed in 0.0002s. [LOG 13:07:35.780] [System] Setting version completed in 0.0001s. [LOG 13:07:35.797] [System] Saving session guid completed in 0.0001s. [LOG 13:07:35.818] [System] Collecting game session metadata completed in 0.0005s. [LOG 13:07:35.834] [System] Saving Kerbal roster completed in 0.0009s. [LOG 13:07:35.852] [System] Saving colony data completed in 0.0002s. [LOG 13:07:35.868] [System] Saving Travel Log completed in 0.0004s. [LOG 13:07:35.890] [System] Collecting mission data for serialization completed in 0.0004s. [LOG 13:07:35.906] [System] Collecting OAB workspace data for serialization completed in 0.0007s. [LOG 13:07:35.924] [System] Saving planted flags completed in 0.0004s. [LOG 13:07:35.941] [System] Saving agencies completed in 0.0005s. [LOG 13:07:35.960] [System] Saving campaign players completed in 0.0005s. [LOG 13:07:36.149] [System] Serializing Save File Contents to memory buffer completed in 0.1725s. [LOG 13:07:36.161] [Debug] [SaveLoadManager]: Save succeeded [0.42s]. [LOG 13:07:36.568] [Flight] [Vessel][CommandEntry] speedMode changed from Orbit to Surface [LOG 13:07:36.588] [Simulation] Attachment Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>eae2dfd6-07c4-4712-bbdc-5ca5606d44ab>bottom attached to Node >54f7e255-be54-4efe-aed3-7cebdfcc1ce4 [LOG 13:07:36.589] [Simulation] Attachment Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>eae2dfd6-07c4-4712-bbdc-5ca5606d44ab>top attached to Node >82cc3733-ae18-4649-8fea-9098e61a12ea [LOG 13:07:36.589] [Simulation] Attachment Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>54f7e255-be54-4efe-aed3-7cebdfcc1ce4>bottom attached to Node >a2e77149-a8aa-47e6-b207-40d16d88dac7 [LOG 13:07:36.589] [Simulation] Attachment Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>54f7e255-be54-4efe-aed3-7cebdfcc1ce4>top attached to Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>eae2dfd6-07c4-4712-bbdc-5ca5606d44ab [LOG 13:07:36.589] [Simulation] Attachment Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>a2e77149-a8aa-47e6-b207-40d16d88dac7>top attached to Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>54f7e255-be54-4efe-aed3-7cebdfcc1ce4 [LOG 13:07:36.590] [Simulation] Attachment Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>a2e77149-a8aa-47e6-b207-40d16d88dac7>bottom attached to Node >43a7d065-b667-42c6-b37f-32f390faee32 [LOG 13:07:36.591] [Simulation] Attachment Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>43a7d065-b667-42c6-b37f-32f390faee32>top attached to Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>a2e77149-a8aa-47e6-b207-40d16d88dac7 [LOG 13:07:36.591] [Simulation] Attachment Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>43a7d065-b667-42c6-b37f-32f390faee32>bottom attached to Node >088eb14c-f0a5-48a6-bd5c-9131896f0806 [LOG 13:07:36.592] [Simulation] Attachment Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>088eb14c-f0a5-48a6-bd5c-9131896f0806>bottom attached to Node >9c16e8b8-0235-4242-8ea0-08be35a54eb2 [LOG 13:07:36.592] [Simulation] Attachment Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>088eb14c-f0a5-48a6-bd5c-9131896f0806>top attached to Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>43a7d065-b667-42c6-b37f-32f390faee32 [LOG 13:07:36.592] [Simulation] Attachment Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>9c16e8b8-0235-4242-8ea0-08be35a54eb2>top attached to Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>088eb14c-f0a5-48a6-bd5c-9131896f0806 [LOG 13:07:36.593] [Simulation] Attachment Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>9c16e8b8-0235-4242-8ea0-08be35a54eb2>bottom attached to Node >0d5db7e7-a859-41c6-bd94-c569efe172a6 [LOG 13:07:36.593] [Simulation] Attachment Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>0d5db7e7-a859-41c6-bd94-c569efe172a6>top attached to Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>9c16e8b8-0235-4242-8ea0-08be35a54eb2 [LOG 13:07:36.593] [Simulation] Attachment Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>0d5db7e7-a859-41c6-bd94-c569efe172a6>bottom attached to Node >404506b2-4066-4695-9409-e7e026a3f4a4 [LOG 13:07:36.593] [Simulation] Attachment Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>404506b2-4066-4695-9409-e7e026a3f4a4>top attached to Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>0d5db7e7-a859-41c6-bd94-c569efe172a6 [LOG 13:07:36.593] [Simulation] Attachment Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>82cc3733-ae18-4649-8fea-9098e61a12ea>bottom attached to Node 0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c>eae2dfd6-07c4-4712-bbdc-5ca5606d44ab [LOG 13:07:36.594] [Simulation] [Staging][CommandEntry]<5b7a4c>: Injecting new StagingState... [LOG 13:07:36.595] [Flight] [Vessel][CommandEntry]<5b7a4c>: altimeterMode changed from SeaLevel to GroundLevel [LOG 13:07:36.601] [General] [State] Swapping game state! prev: [VehicleAssemblyBuilder] --> new: [FlightView] [WRN 13:07:36.650] [Debug] Cube (UnityEngine.GameObject) was not instantiated via CreateAsync(). Destroying via GameObject.Destroy() [WRN 13:07:36.650] [Debug] Cylinder (UnityEngine.GameObject) was not instantiated via CreateAsync(). Destroying via GameObject.Destroy() [WRN 13:07:36.650] [Debug] Sphere (UnityEngine.GameObject) was not instantiated via CreateAsync(). Destroying via GameObject.Destroy() [WRN 13:07:36.651] [Debug] dotted_line(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject) was not instantiated via CreateAsync(). Destroying via GameObject.Destroy() [WRN 13:07:36.652] [Debug] blueprintSmall(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject) was not instantiated via CreateAsync(). Destroying via GameObject.Destroy() [WRN 13:07:36.652] [Debug] blueprintLarge(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject) was not instantiated via CreateAsync(). Destroying via GameObject.Destroy() [WRN 13:07:36.722] [Debug] OAB(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject) was not instantiated via CreateAsync(). Destroying via GameObject.Destroy() [LOG 13:07:36.723] [Camera] Setting camera to ID Flight [LOG 13:07:36.752] [Flight] [Vessel][CommandEntry] AutoPilotSASMode changed from False to True [LOG 13:07:36.767] [Camera] Setting camera to ID Flight [LOG 13:07:37.980] [Flight] Switching To Vessel New Workspace-2 ---------------------- [LOG 13:07:37.985] Toggle: BTN-Stability-Assist changed to: True - CurActive: BTN-Stability-Assist [LOG 13:07:38.104] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:38.105] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:07:38.106] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:38.106] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:38.107] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:07:38.108] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:07:38.110] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:38.111] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:38.112] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:07:38.113] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:38.113] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:38.114] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:07:38.114] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:07:38.115] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:07:38.116] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:38.116] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:38.117] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:07:38.118] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:38.118] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:38.118] [System] Property [isVisible] already found in context! [LOG 13:07:38.119] [General] Execution Priority marked Dirty [LOG 13:07:38.125] [System] Collecting vessel data for serialization completed in 0.0012s. [WRN 13:07:38.264] [Flight] Divide by zero Warning in Vessel SAS UpdateMaximumAcceleration, a component of moment of inertia tensor is zero. Falling back to maximum angular acceleration of 1. SAS performance will be degraded. [WRN 13:07:38.274] [Flight] Divide by zero Warning in Vessel SAS UpdateMaximumAcceleration, a component of moment of inertia tensor is zero. Falling back to maximum angular acceleration of 1. SAS performance will be degraded. [LOG 13:07:38.286] [System] Saving session manager completed in 0.0000s. [WRN 13:07:38.417] [Flight] Divide by zero Warning in Vessel SAS UpdateMaximumAcceleration, a component of moment of inertia tensor is zero. Falling back to maximum angular acceleration of 1. SAS performance will be degraded. [WRN 13:07:38.422] [Flight] Divide by zero Warning in Vessel SAS UpdateMaximumAcceleration, a component of moment of inertia tensor is zero. Falling back to maximum angular acceleration of 1. SAS performance will be degraded. [WRN 13:07:38.429] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [WRN 13:07:38.429] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old) [LOG 13:07:38.432] [Audio] [Kerbal-VO] Setting 'kerbal_voice_selection' to [4] for [u_amb_audio_Kerbal_iva] [LOG 13:07:38.433] [Audio] [Kerbal-VO] Setting 'kerbal_voice_type' to [0.5] for [u_amb_audio_Kerbal_iva] [LOG 13:07:38.443] [Physics] UnpackPhysX called on partOwner of '0a11ab3a-98fc-4034-8790-a7d33f5b7a4c' [LOG 13:07:38.458] [Debug] This 54f7e255-be54-4efe-aed3-7cebdfcc1ce4 is connected to eae2dfd6-07c4-4712-bbdc-5ca5606d44ab [LOG 13:07:38.466] [Debug] This a2e77149-a8aa-47e6-b207-40d16d88dac7 is connected to 54f7e255-be54-4efe-aed3-7cebdfcc1ce4 [LOG 13:07:38.467] [Debug] This 43a7d065-b667-42c6-b37f-32f390faee32 is connected to a2e77149-a8aa-47e6-b207-40d16d88dac7 [LOG 13:07:38.468] [Debug] This 088eb14c-f0a5-48a6-bd5c-9131896f0806 is connected to 43a7d065-b667-42c6-b37f-32f390faee32 [LOG 13:07:38.468] [Debug] This 9c16e8b8-0235-4242-8ea0-08be35a54eb2 is connected to 088eb14c-f0a5-48a6-bd5c-9131896f0806 [LOG 13:07:38.468] [Debug] This 0d5db7e7-a859-41c6-bd94-c569efe172a6 is connected to 9c16e8b8-0235-4242-8ea0-08be35a54eb2 [LOG 13:07:38.468] [Debug] This 404506b2-4066-4695-9409-e7e026a3f4a4 is connected to 0d5db7e7-a859-41c6-bd94-c569efe172a6 [LOG 13:07:38.470] [Debug] This 82cc3733-ae18-4649-8fea-9098e61a12ea is connected to eae2dfd6-07c4-4712-bbdc-5ca5606d44ab [LOG 13:07:38.476] [System] Setting version completed in 0.0000s. [LOG 13:07:38.557] [System] Saving session guid completed in 0.0000s. [LOG 13:07:38.591] [System] Collecting game session metadata completed in 0.0000s. [LOG 13:07:38.633] [System] Saving Kerbal roster completed in 0.0000s. [LOG 13:07:38.677] [System] Saving colony data completed in 0.0000s. [LOG 13:07:38.721] [System] Saving Travel Log completed in 0.0000s. [LOG 13:07:38.769] [System] Collecting mission data for serialization completed in 0.0000s. [LOG 13:07:38.811] [System] Collecting OAB workspace data for serialization completed in 0.0000s. [LOG 13:07:38.857] [System] Saving planted flags completed in 0.0001s. [LOG 13:07:38.911] [System] Saving agencies completed in 0.0000s. [LOG 13:07:38.952] [System] Saving campaign players completed in 0.0000s. [LOG 13:07:39.063] [System] Serializing Save File Contents to memory buffer completed in 0.0636s. [LOG 13:07:39.096] [Debug] [SaveLoadManager]: Save succeeded [0.97s]. [WRN 13:08:05.519] [Flight] Unable to initiate launch at location Launchpad_2 : in state InPostLaunch [WRN 13:08:05.555] No prefab found with name fx_launchSmoke_atmosphere. Spawning default vfx instead. [WRN 13:08:05.556] No prefab found with name fx_launchFire_atmosphere. Spawning default vfx instead. [LOG 13:08:05.558] [Simulation] [Staging]<5b7a4c>: Stage 4 Activated [LOG 13:08:05.645] [Simulation] [Staging][CommandEntry]<5b7a4c>: MovePartsToStage(stageIndex 0, parts 1, partIndex 0) - Have Stages: 5 [WRN 13:08:05.755] No prefab found with name fx_groundBlast_none_noFuel_atmosphere. Spawning default vfx instead. [LOG 13:10:17.988] [PhysicsSpaceProvider]: Changing Reference Frame to Kerbin celestialFrame [LOG 13:10:25.577] [Simulation] [UniverseTime] Pause State changed to: True [LOG 13:10:25.577] [Simulation] [UniverseTime] Time Scale Changed to physics:0.000, multiplier:1.000, universe:0.000 [LOG 13:12:42.066] [Flight] Moving stage from index 0 to 1 [LOG 13:12:45.386] [Flight] Moving stage from index 1 to 0 [WRN 13:21:38.659] Unable to Bind the dropdown fully as the DropdownData is missing. Binder: KSP.UI.Binding.UIValue_WriteString_DropdownOptions on BTN-Dropdown [WRN 13:22:56.804] No "" Action Bound on UIAction_Void_Button "KSP2DialogButton(Clone)" [LOG 13:22:56.813] [System] Collecting vessel data for serialization completed in 0.0007s. [LOG 13:22:56.840] [System] Saving session manager completed in 0.0000s. [LOG 13:22:56.874] [System] Setting version completed in 0.0000s. [LOG 13:22:56.910] [System] Saving session guid completed in 0.0000s. [LOG 13:22:56.946] [System] Collecting game session metadata completed in 0.0007s. [LOG 13:22:56.980] [System] Saving Kerbal roster completed in 0.0000s. [LOG 13:22:57.015] [System] Saving colony data completed in 0.0000s. [LOG 13:22:57.058] [System] Saving Travel Log completed in 0.0007s. [LOG 13:22:57.087] [System] Collecting mission data for serialization completed in 0.0000s. [LOG 13:22:57.121] [System] Collecting OAB workspace data for serialization completed in 0.0000s. [LOG 13:22:57.157] [System] Saving planted flags completed in 0.0001s. [LOG 13:22:57.193] [System] Saving agencies completed in 0.0000s. [LOG 13:22:57.228] [System] Saving campaign players completed in 0.0000s. [LOG 13:22:57.329] [System] Serializing Save File Contents completed in 0.0654s. [LOG 13:22:57.342] [Debug] [SaveLoadManager]: Save succeeded [0.53s]. [LOG 13:22:58.460] [Lighting] Removing CelestialBody Flight: Kerbol [LOG 13:22:58.462] [Lighting] Removing CelestialBody Flight: Kerbin [LOG 13:22:58.490] [Lighting] Removing CelestialBody Flight: Mun [LOG 13:22:58.491] [Lighting] Removing CelestialBody Flight: Minmus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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