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Bug: Still having issues with welding parts together in VAB(payload fairings, docking ports)


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Here is a video of the issue I'm having trying to send up some large structures.   I can never get the parts to weld together correctly(can't do two connections at a time) and it always seems to collapse on the pad.  

KSP version: Patch one

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@ElfmazeWhat you are describing is a long standing issue going back to KSP1 over a decade ago. From my memory you can't connect multiple connections at 2 (or more) different points. It will see one as a legitimate connection and the rest are "hanging" so to speak. I do not believe this was ever solved in KSP1. Here is a good example for you:


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yeah I bring it up as hopefully It can be addressed as we are in the aggressive stage of development.  It they want us to be able to build large inter system ships... It seems a basic need that eventually you will have a truss in between two objects.

And i could be wrong, But I don't think struts will decouple with docking ports currently as exampled in the video 

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I did a few more tests,   Found another interesting thing.  Docking ports can only be released once each... the drop was too short and it insta redocked...  But after three releases I could no longer decouple the assembly.  



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@Elfmazealso please note that if you dock with another ship, there is a high possibility that the detached struts will reconnect with the detached struts on the main vessel. This has happened to me several times now and have completely ruined some ships for me. If you try to undock the entire vessel explodes. 

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