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Massively repeated ObjectEvents in save file cause huge file size and slow performance


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While playing my game suddenly started taking a long time to save/load. Where it had been almost unnoticeable it was now taking >10 seconds to save. Looking at my save files I immediately discovered my save file size had massively increased from a few megabytes to over 160 megabytes. Inspection of the huge save file showed that the game had at some pointed started massively spamming repeated ObjectEvents causing the huge save file size.


        "TravelObjectIds": [
        "EventKey": "vesselSOIEntered",
        "UT": 174074925.44581786,
        "FlightReportArgs": [
        "TravelObjectIds": [
        "EventKey": "vesselSOIEntered",
        "UT": 174074925.44581786,
        "FlightReportArgs": [
        "TravelObjectIds": [
        "EventKey": "vesselSOIEntered",
        "UT": 174074925.44581786,
        "FlightReportArgs": [

These identical events are repeated 100's of thousands of times. I wrote a python script to remove all the duplicate ObjectEvents, there was 391727 duplicate events in total. After removal of the duplicates file size was reduced from 160MB back down to only 4.8 MB and things performed well again.

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